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“One for the money”? The impact of the “disk crisis” on “ordinary musicians” income: The case of French speaking Switzerland
Poetics ( IF 1.857 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.poetic.2021.101552
Pierre Bataille , Marc Perrenoud

The so called “disk-crisis” and the rise of music digitization and/or music piracy regularly make the headlines of general and specialized newspapers. The impacts of these metamorphoses on the more visible actors of the national musical industries are relatively well documented. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of these changes on the musicians’ incomes – especially the “ordinary” ones, who are located at the intermediary and the bottom stages of the professional hierarchy. This paper aims to contribute to better understanding the extent to which digitization reshaped the ways these little-known musicians make a living from music. To do so, we use longitudinal data collected from a sample of musicians active in the French-speaking part of Switzerland in the early 2010s. These data mainly consist of life calendar-data, with retrospective information on income sources for every year of the career – from the first gig played in public to 2013. Crossing sequence analysis and geometrical data analysis tools, we analyze whether or not digitization spurred a career reorientation to one of two major “poles” structuring the “ordinary musicians” professional space (the “artist” pole or the “craftsman” one). We show that changes are few. Nevertheless, we point out how social origin and gender impact these potential career reorientations. More broadly, our paper points to the need to analyze the social conditions of appropriability of technological innovations - especially when it comes to symbolic goods.



所谓的“磁盘危机”以及音乐数字化和/或音乐盗版的兴起经常成为普通和专业报纸的头条新闻。这些变化对民族音乐产业中更显眼的演员的影响相对有据可查。然而,人们对这些变化对音乐家收入的影响知之甚少——尤其是位于职业等级的中间和底层的“普通”音乐家。本文旨在帮助更好地理解数字化在多大程度上重塑了这些鲜为人知的音乐家以音乐为生的方式。为此,我们使用了从 2010 年代初期活跃在瑞士法语区的音乐家样本中收集的纵向数据。这些数据主要包括生活日历数据,回顾职业生涯中每一年的收入来源信息——从第一次公开演出到 2013 年。交叉序列分析和几何数据分析工具,我们分析了数字化是否促使职业重新定位到两个主要“极点”之一构建“普通音乐家”专业空间(“艺术家”杆或“工匠”杆)。我们表明变化很少。然而,我们指出社会出身和性别如何影响这些潜在的职业重新定位。更广泛地说,我们的论文指出需要分析技术创新的可挪用性的社会条件——尤其是在涉及象征性商品时。交叉序列分析和几何数据分析工具,我们分析了数字化是否促使职业重新定位到构建“普通音乐家”专业空间的两大“极”之一(“艺术家”极或“工匠”极)。我们表明变化很少。然而,我们指出社会出身和性别如何影响这些潜在的职业重新定位。更广泛地说,我们的论文指出需要分析技术创新的可挪用性的社会条件——尤其是在涉及象征性商品时。交叉序列分析和几何数据分析工具,我们分析了数字化是否促使职业重新定位到构建“普通音乐家”专业空间的两大“极”之一(“艺术家”极或“工匠”极)。我们表明变化很少。然而,我们指出社会出身和性别如何影响这些潜在的职业重新定位。更广泛地说,我们的论文指出需要分析技术创新的可挪用性的社会条件——尤其是在涉及象征性商品时。我们指出社会出身和性别如何影响这些潜在的职业重新定位。更广泛地说,我们的论文指出需要分析技术创新的可挪用性的社会条件——尤其是在涉及象征性商品时。我们指出社会出身和性别如何影响这些潜在的职业重新定位。更广泛地说,我们的论文指出需要分析技术创新的可挪用性的社会条件——尤其是在涉及象征性商品时。
