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Lower Levels of Classroom Aggression Predict Stronger Relations Between Peer Victimization and Reactive Versus Proactive Aggression
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.621 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0886260521997956
Michael T Morrow 1 , Julie A Hubbard 2 , Megan K Bookhout 3 , Marissa A Docimo 4 , Lauren E Swift 5 , Stevie N Grassetti 6 , Katherine L Cabanas 1

We examined the concurrent relations of children’s reactive and proactive aggression with their experience of peer victimization. Extending previous research, we assessed these relations at both the child and classroom levels. We predicted that reactive aggression would relate positively to peer victimization, proactive aggression would relate negatively to peer victimization, and that these relations would vary with classroom levels of aggression. Participants included 1,291 fourth- and fifth-grade children (681 girls; M age = 10.14 years) and their 72 teachers from 9 schools in one public school district in the Mid-Atlantic United States. Children completed self-report measures of peer victimization and teachers completed measures of aggression for each child in their classrooms. Via two-level regression (level 1 = child; level 2 = classroom), reactive aggression related positively to peer victimization and proactive aggression related negatively to peer victimization. The positive relation between reactive aggression and peer victimization was only significant in classrooms with low levels of reactive aggression. The negative relation between proactive aggression and peer victimization was only significant in classrooms with low levels of proactive aggression. Our hypotheses were supported and offered further evidence for differential relations of reactive and proactive aggression with peer victimization at the child level, while demonstrating the important role of classroom norms for aggression in moderating these relations.



我们检查了儿童的反应性和主动性攻击与他们的同伴受害经历的并发关系。扩展之前的研究,我们在儿童和课堂层面评估了这些关系。我们预测,反应性攻击与同伴受害呈正相关,主动攻击与同伴受害呈负相关,并且这些关系会随着课堂攻击程度的不同而变化。参与者包括 1,291 名四年级和五年级儿童(681 名女孩;M年龄 = 10.14 岁)和他们来自美国中大西洋地区一个公立学区的 9 所学校的 72 名教师。孩子们完成了同伴受害的自我报告测量,教师完成了课堂上每个孩子的攻击性测量。通过两级回归(1 级 = 儿童;2 级 = 课堂),反应性攻击与同伴受害呈正相关,主动攻击与同伴受害呈负相关。反应性攻击与同伴受害之间的正相关关系仅在反应性攻击水平较低的教室中显着。主动攻击与同伴受害之间的负相关关系仅在主动攻击水平较低的教室中显着。
