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The spherical primitive and perlin noise method to recreate realistic aggregate shapes
Granular Matter ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10035-021-01105-6
S. Michot-Roberto , A. Garcia-Hernández , S. Dopazo-Hilario , A. Dawson


An algorithm to re-create virtual aggregates with realistic shapes is presented in this paper. The algorithm has been implemented in the Unity 3D platform. The idea is to re-create realistically the virtual coarse and crushed aggregates that are normally used as a material for the construction of roads. This method consists of two major procedures: (i) to combine a spherical density function with a noise matrix based on the Perlin noise to obtain shapes of appropriate angularity and, (ii) deform the shapes until their minor ferret, aspect ratio and, thickness are equivalent to those wanted. The efficiency of the algorithm has been tested by reproducing nine types of aggregates from different sources. The results obtained indicate that the method proposed can be used to realistically re-create in 3D coarse aggregates.

Graphic abstract




本文提出了一种重新创建具有逼真的形状的虚拟聚集体的算法。该算法已在Unity 3D平台中实现。这个想法是要现实地重新创建虚拟的粗碎集料,这些粗集料和碎碎集料通常用作道路建设的材料。此方法包括两个主要过程:(i)将球面密度函数与基于Perlin噪声的噪声矩阵组合以获得适当角度的形状,以及(ii)变形形状,直到其较小的雪貂,长宽比和厚度等同于通缉犯。通过从不同来源重现九种类型的聚合,已经测试了算法的效率。获得的结果表明,所提出的方法可用于在3D粗聚集体中实际重新创建。

