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Journal of Education Finance Pub Date : 2021-04-01
Sharda Jackson Smith, Venice M. Adams

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Louisiana
  • Sharda Jackson Smith (bio) and Venice M. Adams (bio)

funding priorities for p-12 and higher education

After years of standstill funding and cuts to P-12 and Higher Education (HE), state officials in Louisiana have provided much-needed investment in education. Governor Edwards' FY 2021 budget includes $25 million in new funding for early childhood education and more than $30 million for HE.1 Also set aside in the budget are pay raises for teachers and support staff.2 Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the governor has slated education as his most important agenda item, stating, in part, that early childhood education is his top priority and that new investment in P-12 and HE represent his commitment to supporting education at every level.3 Governor Edwards signed several bills into law during the 2020 legislative session that addresses education. Supplemental appropriations for FY 2019-2020 included subgrantee program assistance for district support, innovations, and student-centered goals were passed.4

changes to the funding formula for p-12 and higher education

In February 2020, the Governor proposed a budget5, which included adding new funding for early childhood and an increase in the Minimum Foundation Program (MFP) base amount per pupil. This new funding would raise the amount from $4,015 to $4,070 per pupil and increase MFP funding by $26.6 million. A month later, the Louisiana State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) approved the MFP formula that, "increased the amount of state funds allocated to public schools by approximately $80 million. The approved MFP [included] a 2.75 percent increase to the statewide base per pupil amount, from $4,015 to $4,125. The increase [included] a provision that requires schools and school districts where the average annual teacher salary is below the Southern Regional Education Board average to dedicate half of the increase to teacher pay raises."6 [End Page 287] In HE, Louisiana's merit-based scholarship program increased its funds by allocating $5.56 million of the state general fund and $3.28 million of the fund for FY2021, totaling $8.8 million. Officials expected 1,600 students will participate in the annual program.7 Additionally, $10 million of the state general fund was allocated for Special Units. This increase in funding helps specialized units increase research and instruction capacity.8

pressing state issues affecting p-12 and higher education funding

The way the state has responded to the COVID-19 crisis revealed implications that were supportive of the quality of education but resistant to certain forms of obligations. The Department of Education (DOE) established responsibility for developing and providing resources to guarantee that all students have access to quality online learning options for the 2020-2021 school year via the CARES act, appropriating $50 million in federal funding for the Board of Regents, K-12 Education, devices/internet connectivity, and social/emotional curriculum.9 Still, the legislature passed a bill to grant immunity from claims or causes of action related to the public health emergency at the P-12 and HE levels. In addition to the public health crisis, the legislature considered its ability to respond to racial unrest throughout school systems. The House Education Committee is reviewing a bill that, "requests that the [BESE] study the history of racism, racism's effects on public education, and anti-racism education and creates a task force to develop recommendations for implementing such education,"10 including an evaluation of cost and funding for anti-racism education.11 Exclusive to P-12, there are currently 156 charter schools that house over 86,000 students.12 The Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools has asked supporters to participate in a Call to Action stating, "The U.S. presidential proclamation on June 22, 2020, to suspend certain foreign workers from entering the United States through the end of the year has impacted the ability of 72 foreign teachers from teaching in Louisiana."13 The Louisiana Federation of Children admired the U.S. Senators, Lamar Alexander and Tim Scott, School Choice Now Act to provide tax credits, scholarships, and flexible educational opportunities.14 [End Page 288]

state per-pupil expenditures15






  • 路易斯安那州
  • 沙达·杰克逊·史密斯(Sharda Jackson Smith)(生物)和威尼斯·亚当斯(Venice M. Adams)(生物)

p -12和高等教育的资助重点


p -12和高等教育的资助公式的变化

2020年2月,总督提出了一项预算5,其中包括为幼儿期增加新的资金,以及增加每名学生的最低基础课程(MFP)基本金额。这笔新资金将把每名学生的金额从4,015美元提高到4,070美元,并使MFP的资金增加2660万美元。一个月后,路易斯安那州基础和中等教育委员会(BESE)批准了MFP公式,该公式“将分配给公立学校的州资金增加了大约8000万美元。经批准的MFP [包括]增加了2.75%。全州每名学生的基数,从$ 4,015增至$ 4,125。增加的费用[包括]要求学校和学区的教师年平均工资低于南部地区教育局的平均水平,以将涨幅的一半专用于加薪。” 6 [完第287页]在路易斯安那州,路易斯安那州的择优奖学金计划增加了资金,为2021财年分配了556万美元的州普通基金和328万美元的基金,总计880万美元。官员们预计将有1600名学生参加这一年度计划。7此外,国家普通基金中有1000万美元分配给了特殊单位。资金的增加有助于专业单位提高研究和教学能力。8

影响p -12和高等教育经费的紧迫国家问题

国家对COVID-19危机的应对方式揭示了一些暗示,这些暗示支持教育质量,但抵制某些形式的义务。教育部(DOE)负责开发和提供资源,以确保所有学生都可以通过CARES法案在2020-2021学年获得高质量的在线学习选择,并为董事会提供了5,000万美元的联邦资金, K-12教育,设备/互联网连接以及社交/情感课程。9尽管如此,立法机关还是通过了一项法案,授予与P-12和HE级公共卫生突发事件有关的主张或诉讼因由豁免。除公共卫生危机外,立法机关还考虑了其​​应对整个学校系统中种族动荡的能力。众议院教育委员会正在审议一项法案“即[BESE]研究种族主义的历史要求,种族主义的公共教育和反种族主义教育和影响创建工作队,建议实施这种教育,” 10包括对反种族主义教育的成本和资金进行评估。11 P-12除外,目前有156所特许学校,可容纳86,000多名学生。12路易斯安那州公立特许学校联合会已要求支持者参加“号召性行动”,其中说:“美国总统于2020年6月22日宣布,要在年底前暂停某些外国工人进入美国,这对能力产生了影响。来自路易斯安那州的72名外籍教师的教学。” 13路易斯安那州儿童联合会钦佩美国参议员拉马尔·亚历山大和蒂姆·斯科特,《立即选择学校法案》,以提供税收抵免,奖学金和灵活的教育机会。14 [End Page 288]


$ 12,818

