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Debugging by design: A constructionist approach to high school students' crafting and coding of electronic textiles as failure artefacts
British Journal of Educational Technology ( IF 5.268 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-31 , DOI: 10.1111/bjet.13079
Deborah A. Fields 1 , Yasmin B. Kafai 2 , Luis Morales‐Navarro 2 , Justice T. Walker 3

Much attention in constructionism has focused on designing tools and activities that support learners in designing fully finished and functional applications and artefacts to be shared with others. But helping students learn to debug their applications often takes on a surprisingly more instructionist stance by giving them checklists, teaching them strategies or providing them with test programmes. The idea of designing bugs for learning—or debugging by design—makes learners agents of their own learning and, more importantly, of making and solving mistakes. In this paper, we report on our implementation of ‘Debugging by Design’ activities in a high school classroom over a period of 8 hours as part of an electronic textiles unit. Students were tasked to craft the electronic textile artefacts with problems or bugs for their peers to solve. Drawing on observations and interviews, we answer the following research questions: (1) How did students participate in making bugs for others? (2) What did students gain from designing and solving bugs for others? In the discussion, we address the opportunities and challenges that designing personally and socially meaningful failure artefacts provides for becoming objects-to-think-with and objects-to-share-with in student learning and promoting new directions in constructionism.



建构主义的很多注意力都集中在设计工具和活动上,以支持学习者设计完整的和功能性的应用程序和人工制品以与他人共享。但是,通过为学生提供检查清单、教授策略或为他们提供测试程序,帮助学生学习调试他们的应用程序通常会采取一种令人惊讶的教学态度。设计错误以供学习或按设计调试的想法——让学习者成为他们自己学习的代理人,更重要的是,让他们学会犯错和解决错误。在本文中,我们报告了作为电子纺织品单元的一部分,我们在高中课堂上实施了 8 小时的“设计调试”活动。学生的任务是制作带有问题或错误的电子纺织制品,供他们的同龄人解决。通过观察和访谈,我们回答了以下研究问题:(1)学生如何参与为他人制作错误?(2) 学生从为他人设计和解决错误中获得了什么?在讨论中,