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Eupsychian Management: Spirit of the Good in Humanity and Society
Journal of Humanistic Psychology ( IF 1.874 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1177/00221678211002757
Alan Briskin 1

Eupsychian management was Abraham Maslow’s term for workplaces of creativity, synergy, and continuous learning. His ideas were crystalized while visiting Non-Linear Systems, founded by Andrew Kay. Eupsychian management, a phrase congruent yet distinct from utopian concepts, specifically referred to environments designed for improving the self-fulfillment and psychological health of all its members. Maslow astutely observed that the characteristics of such environments were its general atmosphere for creative pursuit rather than a specific policy or practice. With retrospective hindsight, Maslow’s managerial ideas, once visionary in nature, have been largely integrated into mainstream management theory and practice. However, his desire for less competitive, controlling, and hierarchical workplaces has been frustrated by ever-increasing global competition, fragmentation, and pressure for cost-efficiencies. The lasting impact of Eupsychian ideals may lie in its humanistic clarity. Human beings long for meaning, purpose, and contribution to a more just and regenerative world. The workplace cannot succeed as an island of psychological health separate from broader efforts to bring forth social justice and environmental renewal.



Eupsychian管理是亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Maslow)的创造力,协同作用和持续学习工作场所的术语。在访问由安德鲁·凯(Andrew Kay)创立的非线性系统时,他的想法得到了体现。Eupsychian管理,是一个与乌托邦概念完全一致但又与乌托邦概念不同的短语,特别是指旨在改善其所有成员的自我实现和心理健康的环境。马斯洛敏锐地观察到,这种环境的特征在于其进行创造性追求的总体氛围,而不是特定的政策或实践。回顾过去,马斯洛的管理思想一度具有远见卓识,但在很大程度上已融入主流管理理论和实践。但是,他渴望降低竞争力,控制力,全球竞争日益加剧,分散化以及成本效益的压力,使分层工作场所感到沮丧。Eupsychian理想的持久影响可能在于其人文主义的清晰性。人类渴望实现更公正,可再生的世界的意义,目标和贡献。与为实现社会正义和环境更新而进行的更大努力不同,工作场所不能成为心理健康的孤岛。
