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EXPRESS: Navigating Turbulent Waters: Crafting Learning Trajectories in a Changing Work Context
Human Relations ( IF 5.658 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1177/00187267211010366
Ila Bharatan 1 , Jacky Swan 1 , Eivor Oborn 1

How do newcomers gain access to learning opportunities when they are denied opportunities to practice? Changes in the nature of work, such as labour outsourcing and technological advancements, have created challenges for newcomers to learn. They may be more easily relegated to low-level repetitive tasks, such as scut work. In these situations, newcomers’ ambiguous position as learners can limit access to participation in practices needed to progress their learning trajectories. Using field-study data, we explore the situated learning of merchant-navy cadets. We show that, when newcomers are not permitted access to participation, the structural arrangements of practice - temporal structures, spatial territories and hierarchical arrangements - hinder learning opportunities. We show, further, that some newcomers leverage these same structural arrangements surreptitiously as resources to access participation, which we conceptualise as stealth work. Consequently, we unveil the soft forms of power at play in crafting access to learning trajectories, making three contributions. First, we show how structural arrangements of a practice can be leveraged to enable learning. Second, we show that gaining access stealthily requires both normative and counter normative performances. Third, we show the importance of access in crafting learning trajectories and unpack how such access is navigated by newcomers.



当新移民被剥夺练习机会时,他们如何获得学习机会?工作性质的变化,例如劳动力外包和技术进步,给新来者学习带来了挑战。他们可能更容易地委派给低级重复性任务,例如切割工作。在这种情况下,新人作为学习者的模棱两可的立场会限制他们参与发展其学习轨迹所需的实践的机会。利用实地研究数据,我们探索了海军商船学员的现场学习。我们表明,如果不允许新移民参加,实践的结构性安排-时间结构,空间领地和等级安排-会阻碍学习机会。我们进一步展示 一些新来者暗中利用这些相同的结构安排作为获取参与的资源,我们将其概念化为隐身工作。因此,我们在制定学习轨迹的途径方面揭示了软实力的作用,做出了三点贡献。首先,我们展示了如何利用实践的结构安排来进行学习。其次,我们表明,秘密获得访问权需要规范性和反规范性的表现。第三,我们展示了访问在制定学习轨迹中的重要性,并解开了新人如何导航这种访问的方式。我们展示了如何利用实践的结构安排来促进学习。其次,我们表明,秘密获得访问权需要规范性和反规范性的表现。第三,我们展示了访问在制定学习轨迹中的重要性,并解开了新人如何导航这种访问的方式。我们展示了如何利用实践的结构安排来促进学习。其次,我们表明,秘密获得访问权需要规范性和反规范性的表现。第三,我们展示了访问在制定学习轨迹中的重要性,并解开了新人如何导航这种访问的方式。
