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Introduction: universality and specificity of emotions, with a focus on Russian
Russian Journal of Communication Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/19409419.2021.1884337
Maria Yelenevskaya 1 , Ekaterina Protassova 2


An inseparable part of human life, emotions were neglected in the academic discourse in the West for a long time, because scholars juxtaposed them with thought and reason. Yet educational research reveals that emotions are manifestations of high order intelligence and stimulate goal achievement, memory, and motivation in knowledge acquisition. Emotions are culturally and individually shaped. While some cultures consider open demonstration of feelings inappropriate, others perceive unwillingness to reveal emotions as indicators of indifference. These differences are of major importance for understanding contemporary multilingual and multicultural societies. Differences in emotion management between majority and minority cultures may lead to intergroup conflicts. The interrelation between emotions, language and culture emerges in comparative analyses of emotion lexis in different languages. Although all languages contain words expressing positive and negative emotions, idioms, tropes and interjections used to render them vary. There is growing evidence that multilinguals often switch between languages to express their emotions more precisely, adjusting to the communicative situation. Moreover, foreign-language learners often misjudge their interlocutors' attitudes due to the insufficient knowledge of the norms of expressing emotions in the target language. They sometimes fail to predict the consequences of their own utterances, which may cause a communication break-down.




情感是人类生活中不可分割的一部分,长期以来在西方的学术话语中都忽略了情感,因为学者们将情感与思想和理性并置在一起。然而,教育研究表明,情绪是高阶智力的体现,可以刺激目标成就,记忆和知识获取动机。情感在文化上和个体上都是不同的。虽然某些文化认为公开展示情感是不适当的,但其他文化则认为不愿意透露情感是冷漠的指示。这些差异对于理解当代的多语言和多元文化社会至关重要。多数和少数族裔文化在情感管理上的差异可能导致群体间的冲突。情绪之间的相互关系 语言和文化出现在对不同语言的情感词汇的比较分析中。尽管所有语言都包含表达积极情绪和消极情绪的单词,但用于渲染它们的习语,对白和感叹词却有所不同。越来越多的证据表明,多语种经常在语言之间切换以更准确地表达自己的情感,以适应交际环境。此外,由于对目标语言表达情感的规范知识不足,外语学习者经常会误判对话者的态度。他们有时无法预测自己话语的后果,这可能导致沟通中断。用于渲染它们的比喻和感叹词各不相同。越来越多的证据表明,多语种经常在语言之间切换以更准确地表达自己的情感,以适应交际环境。此外,由于对目标语言表达情感的规范知识不足,外语学习者经常会误判对话者的态度。他们有时无法预测自己话语的后果,这可能导致沟通中断。用于渲染它们的比喻和感叹词各不相同。越来越多的证据表明,多语种经常在语言之间切换以更准确地表达自己的情感,以适应交际环境。此外,由于对目标语言表达情感的规范知识不足,外语学习者经常会误判对话者的态度。他们有时无法预测自己话语的后果,这可能导致沟通中断。
