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Development and Evaluation of Habitat Suitability Criteria for Native Fishes in Three Arizona Streams
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10575
Zach C. Nemec 1 , Larissa N. Lee 1 , Scott A. Bonar 2

Habitat loss is a main contributor to fish fauna declines in the southwestern USA. Several studies have defined stream-specific habitat conditions that support the growth and survival of native fish in Arizona to inform stream restoration efforts, yet general habitat use of most individual species across the region is not established. Therefore, we evaluated habitat use of four native fishes, Speckled Dace Rhinichthys osculus, Sonora Sucker Catostomus insignis, Desert Sucker Catostomus clarkii, and Longfin Dace Agosia chrysogaster, across three Arizona streams through the development of habitat suitability criteria (HSC). We developed both stream-specific and generalized HSC for each species. Generalized HSC were calculated as the combination of stream-specific HSC for each species. We then assessed the utility of generalized HSC through transferability among study streams. Also, past HSC studies have not considered the occurrence of nonnative species, so we tested whether the presence of nonnative fishes influenced native fish habitat use through logistic regression models. Fish and habitat data were collected along the Mogollon Rim in Arizona during the 2017 summer field season at base flow conditions. We established minimum microhabitat use for four native Arizona fish species through developing HSC. Most generalized criteria did not transfer among study streams due to variation in habitat availability and fish community structure. Logistic regression analysis showed that the presence of nonnative fishes was inversely related to the presence of two native fish species, which could have influenced habitat use of both species. The lack of transferability across streams as demonstrated in this study confirms that only HSC developed in the stream of interest or in similar undegraded streams with comparable fish communities should be used for restoration efforts. For projects to restore native fishes in streams where nonnative competitors will not dominate, the least degraded similar streams without coexisting nonnative fishes can guide restoration efforts.



栖息地丧失是美国西南部鱼类区系减少的主要原因。几项研究已经确定了支持亚利桑那州本地鱼类生长和生存的河流特定栖息地条件,以告知河流恢复工作,但尚未确定该地区大多数个体物种的一般栖息地使用情况。因此,我们评估栖息地利用四个原生鱼,鲮鱼斑点Rhinichthys osculus,索诺拉吸盘Catostomus蕨,沙漠吸盘Catostomus虾和长鳍鲮鱼长鳍鱥, 通过栖息地适宜性标准 (HSC) 的发展跨越亚利桑那州的三个河流。我们为每个物种开发了特定于流的和广义的 HSC。广义 HSC 被计算为每个物种的特定流 HSC 的组合。然后,我们通过研究流之间的可转移性评估了广义 HSC 的效用。此外,过去的 HSC 研究没有考虑非本地物种的出现,因此我们通过逻辑回归模型测试了非本地鱼类的存在是否影响了本地鱼类栖息地的使用。鱼类和栖息地数据是在 2017 年夏季野外季节在基流条件下沿亚利桑那州的 Mogollon Rim 收集的。我们通过开发 HSC 为四种亚利桑那州本土鱼类建立了最低限度的微生境使用。由于栖息地可用性和鱼类群落结构的变化,大多数通用标准没有在研究流之间转移。Logistic 回归分析表明,非本地鱼类的存在与两种本地鱼类的存在呈负相关,这可能会影响两种物种的栖息地利用。如本研究所示,河流之间缺乏可转移性,这证实只有在感兴趣的河流或具有可比鱼类群落的类似未降解河流中开发的 HSC 才能用于恢复工作。对于在非本地竞争者不会占主导地位的溪流中恢复本地鱼类的项目,没有共存非本地鱼类的退化最少的类似溪流可以指导恢复工作。Logistic 回归分析表明,非本地鱼类的存在与两种本地鱼类的存在呈负相关,这可能会影响两种物种的栖息地利用。如本研究所示,河流之间缺乏可转移性,这证实只有在感兴趣的河流或具有可比鱼类群落的类似未降解河流中开发的 HSC 才能用于恢复工作。对于在非本地竞争者不会占主导地位的溪流中恢复本地鱼类的项目,没有共存非本地鱼类的退化最少的类似溪流可以指导恢复工作。Logistic 回归分析表明,非本地鱼类的存在与两种本地鱼类的存在呈负相关,这可能会影响两种物种的栖息地利用。如本研究所示,河流之间缺乏可转移性,这证实只有在感兴趣的河流或具有可比鱼类群落的类似未降解河流中开发的 HSC 才能用于恢复工作。对于在非本地竞争者不会占主导地位的溪流中恢复本地鱼类的项目,没有共存非本地鱼类的退化最少的类似溪流可以指导恢复工作。如本研究所示,河流之间缺乏可转移性,这证实只有在感兴趣的河流或具有可比鱼类群落的类似未降解河流中开发的 HSC 才能用于恢复工作。对于在非本地竞争者不会占主导地位的溪流中恢复本地鱼类的项目,没有共存非本地鱼类的退化最少的类似溪流可以指导恢复工作。如本研究所示,河流之间缺乏可转移性,这证实只有在感兴趣的河流或具有可比鱼类群落的类似未降解河流中开发的 HSC 才能用于恢复工作。对于在非本地竞争者不会占主导地位的溪流中恢复本地鱼类的项目,没有共存非本地鱼类的退化最少的类似溪流可以指导恢复工作。