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Ressentiment As Morally Disclosive Posture? Conceptual Issues from a Psychological Point of View
Review of Philosophy and Psychology Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s13164-021-00546-5
Natalie Rodax , Markus Wrbouschek , Katharina Hametner , Sara Paloni , Nora Ruck , Leonard Brixel

In psychological research, ressentiment is alluded to as a negative emotional response directed at social groups that are mostly marked as ‘inferior others’. However, conceptual work on this notion is sorely missing. In our conceptual proposal, we use the notion of ‘moral emotions’ as a starting point: typically referred to as “other-condemning” moral emotions (Haidt), psychologists have loosely conceptualised anger, contempt and disgust as a set of negative emotions that have distinct elicitors and involve affective responses to sanction moral misconduct of ‘others’. Though this conglomerate of different other-condemning emotions might describe emotions of ressentiment, we argue that the phenomenon itself is a more complex sentiment. Therefore, we apply Withy’s concept of ‘disclosive posture’ to account for the different psychological processes underlying ressentiment. Disclosing refers to a specific openness to the world, which in the case of ressentiment implies a specific awareness of and sensibility for instances of inequality, grudge, or disfavour. Ressentiment thus becomes a perceptual tool in morally relevant everyday situations. The term ‘posture’ refers to a habitualised, embodied comportment or action tendency that leads to the adoption of a negative attitude and stance towards others. Drawing on Withy, we discuss ressentiment’s similarities (and differences) to the closely related concept of hatred (Szanto, Vendrell Ferran) to embed the analysis of ressentiment in a broader social framework.



在心理学研究中,性暗示被认为是针对主要被标记为“下等人”的社会群体的负面情绪反应。但是,关于此概念的概念性研究非常缺乏。在我们的概念性建议中,我们以“道德情感”为起点:通常被称为“其他谴责”道德情感(海德特),心理学家将愤怒,轻蔑和厌恶概念大致化为一系列消极情绪,有不同的诱因,并涉及对制裁“他人”的道德不当行为的情感反应。尽管这个由其他不同谴责情绪组成的集团可能描述了娱乐性情绪,但我们认为这种现象本身是一种更为复杂的情绪。所以,我们将威斯(Withy)的“揭露性姿势”概念应用到了说明性暗示背后的不同心理过程。披露是指对世界的特定开放性,在悔的情况下,意味着对不平等,怨恨或不满的特定意识和敏感度。因此,在与道德相关的日常情况下,怨恨成为一种可感知的工具。术语“姿势”是指习惯性的,体现性的举止或行动倾向,导致对他人采取消极的态度和立场。我们利用威蒂(Withy),讨论了性取向与仇恨概念(Szanto,Vendrell Ferran)的相似之处(和不同之处),以将性取向的分析嵌入到更广泛的社会框架中。就屈而言,这意味着对不平等,怨恨或不满的情况有特定的认识和敏感性。因此,在与道德相关的日常情况下,怨恨成为一种可感知的工具。术语“姿势”是指习惯性的,体现性的举止或行动倾向,导致对他人采取消极的态度和立场。我们利用威蒂(Withy),讨论了性取向与仇恨概念(Szanto,Vendrell Ferran)的相似之处(和不同之处),以将性取向的分析嵌入到更广泛的社会框架中。就屈而言,这意味着对不平等,怨恨或不满的情况有特定的认识和敏感性。因此,在与道德相关的日常情况下,怨恨成为一种可感知的工具。术语“姿势”是指习惯性的,体现性的举止或行动倾向,导致对他人采取消极的态度和立场。我们利用威蒂(Withy),讨论了性取向与仇恨概念(Szanto,Vendrell Ferran)的相似之处(和不同之处),以将性取向的分析嵌入到更广泛的社会框架中。体现出的举止或行动倾向,导致对他人采取消极的态度和立场。我们利用威蒂(Withy),讨论了性取向与仇恨概念(Szanto,Vendrell Ferran)的相似之处(和不同之处),以将性取向的分析嵌入到更广泛的社会框架中。体现出的举止或行动倾向,导致对他人采取消极的态度和立场。我们利用威蒂(Withy),讨论了性取向与仇恨概念(Szanto,Vendrell Ferran)的相似之处(和不同之处),以将性取向的分析嵌入到更广泛的社会框架中。
