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Tired of Failing Students? Improving Student Learning Using Detailed and Automated Individualized Feedback in a Large Introductory Science Course
Innovative Higher Education Pub Date : 2020-11-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10755-020-09527-5
Karen R. Young , Henry E. Schaffer , Jasmine B. James , Maria T. Gallardo-Williams

Providing students with timely, targeted, and useful feedback regarding their understanding of course topics is generally accepted as a good educational practice. However, when classes are very large there are challenges that prevent many instructors from accomplishing this goal. This study explores the perceived helpfulness to students and the instructor of implementing a relatively new method of automated scoring and feedback in a large section of an organic chemistry course. Prior research has shown this method to be helpful in other STEM classes. In the current study, students in two different offerings of a stand-alone organic chemistry course completed an anonymous survey in which they were asked to provide feedback about their perceptions of the new methodology. The faculty member who taught the course was also asked to respond to a series of questions regarding the feedback system. Both students and the instructor provided favorable comments about the helpfulness of the methodology and the feedback provided by it. The instructor found it helpful for providing individual feedback to students, which had previously not been possible due to the number of students enrolled in the course. Students reported that the feedback helped them to identify course topic strengths and challenge areas and that they planned to study the material differently going forward. The results indicate that this intervention can help improve student understanding of course topics and necessary actions for improving future performance in the course.



向学生提供有关他们对课程主题理解的及时、有针对性和有用的反馈,这被普遍认为是一种良好的教育实践。然而,当班级非常大时,许多教师就无法实现这一目标。本研究探讨了在有机化学课程的大部分内容中实施一种相对较新的自动评分和反馈方法对学生和教师的感知帮助。先前的研究表明,这种方法对其他 STEM 课程很有帮助。在当前的研究中,独立有机化学课程的两个不同课程的学生完成了一项匿名调查,要求他们提供有关他们对新方法的看法的反馈。还要求教授课程的教员回答有关反馈系统的一系列问题。学生和教师都对方法的有用性和它提供的反馈给予了好评。教师发现这有助于向学生提供个人反馈,这在以前是不可能的,因为参加课程的学生人数众多。学生们报告说,反馈帮助他们确定了课程主题的优势和挑战领域,并且他们计划在未来以不同的方式学习材料。结果表明,这种干预有助于提高学生对课程主题的理解,以及提高课程未来表现的必要行动。学生和教师都对方法的有用性和它提供的反馈给予了好评。教师发现这有助于向学生提供个人反馈,这在以前是不可能的,因为参加课程的学生人数众多。学生们报告说,反馈帮助他们确定了课程主题的优势和挑战领域,并且他们计划在未来以不同的方式学习材料。结果表明,这种干预有助于提高学生对课程主题的理解,以及提高课程未来表现的必要行动。学生和教师都对方法的有用性和它提供的反馈给予了好评。教师发现这有助于向学生提供个人反馈,这在以前是不可能的,因为参加课程的学生人数众多。学生们报告说,反馈帮助他们确定了课程主题的优势和挑战领域,并且他们计划在未来以不同的方式学习材料。结果表明,这种干预有助于提高学生对课程主题的理解,以及提高课程未来表现的必要行动。由于参加课程的学生人数众多,这在以前是不可能的。学生们报告说,反馈帮助他们确定了课程主题的优势和挑战领域,并且他们计划在未来以不同的方式学习材料。结果表明,这种干预有助于提高学生对课程主题的理解,以及提高课程未来表现的必要行动。由于参加课程的学生人数众多,这在以前是不可能的。学生们报告说,反馈帮助他们确定了课程主题的优势和挑战领域,并且他们计划在未来以不同的方式学习材料。结果表明,这种干预有助于提高学生对课程主题的理解,以及提高课程未来表现的必要行动。