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Spiritual homes on the move: narratives of migrations from Scotland in the 18th and 19th centuries
Social & Cultural Geography ( IF 2.888 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/14649365.2021.1907856
Sergei Shubin 1 , Marjory Harper 2


This paper explores the process of the creation of home as a constellation of faith and migration. Building on discussions in geography and anthropology describing home as being in-between mobile and fixed, a hybrid entity-in-construction, the paper challenges the antimonies between place-based or placeless, real or imagined homes common in migration research. Building on the analysis of historical narratives of 18th- and 19th-century migration from Scotland, it highlights the ways in which migrants were involved in the construction and performance of homes through faith and movement. It draws on the work of Deleuze and Guattari to explore not only the material, imagined and relational nature of spiritual homes, but also attends to performative acts of faith, affective dimensions and openness to the otherworldly being. Using the concepts of multiplicity, affect and the collective, it considers spirituality as a part of the fluidity of homes and an uncertain movement between them. It explores fusion and heterogeneity of spiritual attachments and connections that bring unexpected actors together in more or less intensive states of spiritual co-belonging ‘at home’. The paper concludes with conceptual reflections about spiritual homes as dispossession and exposure in an impossible relation with the foreign and otherworldly in migration.


移动中的精神家园:18 世纪和 19 世纪苏格兰移民的叙述


本文探讨了家庭作为信仰和移民的星座的创建过程。基于地理学和人类学的讨论,将家庭描述为介于移动和固定之间的混合建筑实体,该论文挑战了移民研究中常见的基于地点或无地点、真实或想象的家园之间的矛盾。基于对 18世纪和 19世纪历史叙事的分析来自苏格兰的世纪移民,它突出了移民通过信仰和运动参与建造和建造房屋的方式。它借鉴德勒兹和加塔里的工作,不仅探索精神家园的物质、想象和关系性质,还关注信仰的表演行为、情感维度和对超凡脱俗的开放。使用多样性、情感和集体的概念,它认为灵性是家庭流动性的一部分,也是它们之间不确定的运动。它探索了精神依恋和联系的融合和异质性,这些联系将意想不到的演员聚集在一起,或多或少地处于“在家”的精神共同归属的强烈状态。
