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The Philippines and Indonesia: changing land distribution since independence and its implications for growth with equity
South East Asia Research Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1080/0967828x.2021.1882881
Anne Booth 1


The paper compares evidence from the Philippines and Indonesia to examine the argument that the Philippines has a more unequal distribution of both agricultural land and household incomes than Indonesia. It is argued that the evidence from agricultural censuses and household surveys does not support this argument. Instead, the available evidence indicates that there has been a process of convergence in the distribution of land in the Philippines and Indonesia. The percentage of land in holdings over ten hectares has fallen in recent decades in the Philippines, while in Indonesia it may have increased. The cultivated area under large estates continues to grow in Indonesia mainly because of the growth of palm oil cultivation. Evidence on the distribution of household income and of land indicates that neither country has followed the Taiwan model of growth with equity in recent decades.




该论文比较了来自菲律宾和印度尼西亚的证据,以检验菲律宾在农业用地和家庭收入分配上比印度尼西亚更不平等的论点。有人认为,来自农业普查和住户调查的证据不支持这一论点。相反,现有证据表明,菲律宾和印度尼西亚的土地分配出现了趋同的过程。近几十年来,菲律宾拥有超过 10 公顷土地的土地比例有所下降,而在印度尼西亚,这一比例可能有所增加。印度尼西亚大型庄园的种植面积继续增长,主要是因为棕榈油种植的增长。
