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Short-term effects of controlled mating and selection on the genetic variance of honeybee populations
Heredity ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1038/s41437-021-00411-2
Manuel Du 1 , Richard Bernstein 1 , Andreas Hoppe 1 , Kaspar Bienefeld 1

Directional selection in a population yields reduced genetic variance due to the Bulmer effect. While this effect has been thoroughly investigated in mammals, it is poorly studied in social insects with biological peculiarities such as haplo-diploidy or the collective expression of traits. In addition to the natural adaptation to climate change, parasites, and pesticides, honeybees increasingly experience artificial selection pressure through modern breeding programs. Besides selection, many honeybee breeding schemes introduce controlled mating. We investigated which individual effects selection and controlled mating have on genetic variance. We derived formulas to describe short-term changes of genetic variance in honeybee populations and conducted computer simulations to confirm them. Thereby, we found that the changes in genetic variance depend on whether the variance is measured between queens (inheritance criterion), worker groups (selection criterion), or both (performance criterion). All three criteria showed reduced genetic variance under selection. In the selection and performance criteria, our formulas and simulations showed an increased genetic variance through controlled mating. This newly described effect counterbalanced and occasionally outweighed the Bulmer effect. It could not be observed in the inheritance criterion. A good understanding of the different notions of genetic variance in honeybees, therefore, appears crucial to interpreting population parameters correctly.



由于 Bulmer 效应,种群中的定向选择会减少遗传方差。虽然这种效应已经在哺乳动物身上得到了彻底的研究,但在具有单倍二倍体或性状集体表达等生物学特性的群居昆虫中却鲜有研究。除了对气候变化、寄生虫和杀虫剂的自然适应之外,蜜蜂还通过现代育种计划越来越多地经历人工选择压力。除了选择之外,许多蜜蜂育种计划还引入了受控交配。我们调查了哪些个体效应选择和受控交配对遗传变异有影响。我们推导出公式来描述蜜蜂种群遗传方差的短期变化,并进行计算机模拟以证实它们。从而,我们发现遗传方差的变化取决于方差是在蜂后(遗传标准)、工蜂组(选择标准)还是两者(性能标准)之间测量的。所有三个标准都显示在选择下遗传变异减少。在选择和性能标准中,我们的公式和模拟显示通过控制交配增加了遗传变异。这种新描述的效应抵消了布尔默效应,有时甚至超过了布尔默效应。在继承标准中无法观察到。因此,很好地理解蜜蜂遗传变异的不同概念对于正确解释种群参数似乎至关重要。所有三个标准都显示在选择下遗传变异减少。在选择和性能标准中,我们的公式和模拟显示通过控制交配增加了遗传变异。这种新描述的效应抵消了布尔默效应,有时甚至超过了布尔默效应。在继承标准中无法观察到。因此,很好地理解蜜蜂遗传变异的不同概念对于正确解释种群参数似乎至关重要。所有三个标准都显示在选择下遗传变异减少。在选择和性能标准中,我们的公式和模拟显示通过控制交配增加了遗传变异。这种新描述的效应抵消了布尔默效应,有时甚至超过了布尔默效应。在继承标准中无法观察到。因此,很好地理解蜜蜂遗传变异的不同概念对于正确解释种群参数似乎至关重要。
