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Why does this matter? The value of intersectionality
Cultural Studies of Science Education ( IF 1.538 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s11422-020-10007-7
Sara Raven

In this commentary, I explore and elaborate on themes in Maggie Renken, Jessica Scott, Patrick Enderle, and Scott Cohen’s (this issue) manuscript ““It’s not a deaf thing, it’s not a black thing; it’s a deaf black thing”: A study of the intersection of adolescents’ deaf, race, and STEM identities.” Using my own research and experiences, I present a case on the importance of working with students with low-incidence disabilities and how scholarship focused on related student groups can inform and illuminate problems of practice in an underexplored research area. Additionally, I posit that using a lens of intersectionality can help address issues of educational inequality experienced by multiple communities. I conclude with a consideration of how Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Maslow, Psychol Rev 50:370–396, 1943) must be considered before addressing students’ STEM identities.



在这篇评论中,我探讨了Maggie Renken,Jessica Scott,Patrick Enderle和Scott Cohen(本期)的手稿的主题,并进行了详细阐述:“这不是聋子,不是黑人;它不是聋子,不是黑人。这是一个聋哑的黑东西”:对青少年的聋哑,种族和STEM身份的相交研究。” 利用我自己的研究和经验,我提出了一个案例,说明与低发病率残疾学生合作的重要性,以及以相关学生群体为重点的奖学金如何能够为未开发的研究领域提供信息并阐明实践中的问题。此外,我认为使用交叉镜头可以帮助解决多个社区经历的教育不平等问题。最后,我考虑了Maslow的需求层次结构(Maslow,Psychol Rev 50:370–396,
