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The Middle and Late Bronze Age in Central Oman: New Insights from Tawi Said, Al-Mudhairib and the Wilayat al-Mudhaybi
Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1111/aae.12181
Stephanie Döpper 1

Significant changes in the material culture, subsistence and mode of life are associated with the Middle (c. 2000–1600 BCE) and Late Bronze Ages (c. 1600–1300 BCE) in Eastern Arabia. Since first excavations in the 1970s, research has focused on the United Arab Emirates, where all major sites of this period known to date are situated. This birthed the idea of two different lines of development in the second millennium BC. While a more gradual change is assumed for the United Arab Emirates, Central Oman was regarded as having completely abandoned settled agricultural life, returning to a less complex social organisation. This article presents new evidence from Tawi Said, Al-Mudhairib and the Wilayat al-Mudhaybi that shows that the developments in both regions were more akin to each other than previously assumed. This encourages us to reconsider our assumptions about Central Oman’s social complexity during this pivotal period of Oman’s history.


阿曼中部青铜时代中晚期:来自 Tawi Said、Al-Mudhairib 和 Wilayat al-Mudhaybi 的新见解

物质文化、生计和生活方式的重大变化与阿拉伯东部的中世纪(约公元前 2000 年至公元前 1600 年)和晚期青铜时代(约公元前 1600 年至 1300 年)有关。自 1970 年代首次发掘以来,研究一直集中在阿拉伯联合酋长国,迄今为止已知的这一时期的所有主要遗址都位于该地区。这在公元前二千年产生了两条不同发展路线的想法。虽然假设阿拉伯联合酋长国发生了更渐进的变化,但阿曼中部被认为完全放弃了定居的农业生活,回归到一个不太复杂的社会组织。本文介绍了来自 Tawi Said、Al-Mudhairib 和 Wilayat al-Mudhaybi 的新证据,表明这两个地区的发展比以前假设的更相似。