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Exposure Time of Wild, Juvenile Sockeye Salmon to Open-Net-Pen Atlantic Salmon Farms in British Columbia, Canada
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-29 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10574
Erin L. Rechisky 1 , Aswea D. Porter 1 , Stephen D. Johnston 2 , Christine F. Stevenson 2, 3 , Scott G. Hinch 2 , Brian P. V. Hunt 4, 5, 6 , David W. Welch 1

The role that open-net-pen farms for Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar play in the global decline of stocks of wild salmonids (Salmo spp. and Oncorhynchus spp.) is contentious; Canada’s west coast is no exception. We identified the proportion of acoustic-tagged juvenile Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka migrating through the main migration routes of the Discovery Islands region of British Columbia and measured both residence time in a major waterway hosting several Atlantic Salmon farms and exposure times to individual farms. One-third of tagged fish migrated through this channel, with median residence times of 32.6 h in 2017 and 46.0 h in 2018. The median time near individual farms was 4.4 min in 2017 when farms were fallow and 10.9 min in 2018 when farms were stocked. The increase in 2018 was probably not caused by farm activity because the proportion of total time spent in the channel was the same across years. Sockeye Salmon used all major migration pathways, but the lack of farms and rapid migration speeds in the westernmost passage offers the lowest potential exposure to fish farms. These are the first individual-level data available to inform assessments of the transmission risk of infectious agents from farms to wild salmonids.



的作用,对于大西洋鲑鱼的开放式网箱养殖场大西洋鲑野生鲑鱼种群的全球衰退播放(属和。钩吻属)是有争议的; 加拿大的西海岸也不例外。我们确定了声学标记的幼年红鲑鱼Oncorhynchus nerka的比例通过不列颠哥伦比亚省探索群岛地区的主要迁徙路线迁移,并测量了在拥有多个大西洋鲑鱼养殖场的主要水道中的停留时间和个体养殖场的暴露时间。三分之一带标签的鱼通过该渠道洄游,2017 年和 2018 年的中位停留时间分别为 32.6 小时和 46.0 小时。 2017 年养殖场休耕时,个体养殖场附近的中位时间为 4.4 分钟,2018 年养殖场放养时为 10.9 分钟. 2018 年的增长可能不是由农场活动引起的,因为在渠道上花费的总时间比例跨年是相同的。红鲑鱼使用了所有主要的洄游途径,但最西端的通道缺乏养殖场和快速的洄游速度,因此对养鱼场的潜在接触率最低。