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Predicting high school students’ argumentation skill using information literacy and trace data
The Journal of Educational Research ( IF 1.670 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-26 , DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2021.1897967
Brian R. Belland 1 , Nam Ju Kim 2


Strong information literacy, collaboration, and argumentation skill are essential to success in problem-based learning (PBL). Computer-based scaffolding can help students enhance these skills during PBL. In this study, we investigated predictors of the quality of arguments high school environmental science students wrote in support of their solutions to a PBL problem. Specifically, we used Bayesian regression to examine how information literacy, collaboration, and time spent and number of words written in various sections of scaffolding combine to predict argumentation quality. Significant positive predictors of argument quality were information literacy posttest scores, individual work time, and number of words typed in response to prompts in the information literacy section of the scaffold. Significant negative predictors were group work time, number of words typed in response to prompts in the ‘define the problem’ section of the scaffold, and time spent in the ‘define the problem’ and ‘building arguments’ sections of the scaffold.




强大的信息素养、协作和论证技巧对于基于问题的学习 (PBL) 的成功至关重要。基于计算机的脚手架可以帮助学生在 PBL 期间提高这些技能。在这项研究中,我们调查了高中环境科学学生为支持他们解决 PBL 问题而写的论点质量的预测因素。具体来说,我们使用贝叶斯回归来检查信息素养、协作以及在脚手架的各个部分中花费的时间和字数如何结合来预测论证质量。论证质量的显着积极预测因素是信息素养后测分数、个人工作时间和为响应支架信息素养部分中的提示而键入的单词数。显着的负面预测因素是小组工作时间,
