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The effect of alternate-day feeding on growth and feed conversion in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
Aquaculture Nutrition ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25 , DOI: 10.1111/anu.13260
Marit Bjørnevik 1 , Albert K. D. Imsland 2, 3 , Henriette Hanssen 4 , Bjørn Roth 5 , Erik Vikingstad 6 , Atle Foss 6

This study aimed to investigate the effect of alternating feeding (Alt) compared with control being fed every day (Con) in the on-growth face of Atlantic cod. Individually marked fish (198 and 98 in the Con and Alt groups, respectively) was sampled for weight and length on 6 occasions over a 15-month period, where mean weight increased from 628 and 758 g to 2635 and 3041 g, for the Con and Alt groups, respectively. Feeding alternate day resulted in 13 percentage more weight gain in the alternating feeding group (2283 vs. 2007 g) and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR, 1.07) compared with control (FCR 1.45). The Alt group consumed significantly less feed (27%) compared with control. The results demonstrate that feeding costs can be drastically reduced without compromising biomass growth by using feeding on alternate days during the on-growing period of Atlantic cod.



本研究旨在调查交替喂食 (Alt) 与每天喂食的对照 (Con) 相比,在大西洋鳕鱼的生长面中的影响。在 15 个月的时间里,对单独标记的鱼(Con 组和 Alt 组分别为 198 和 98 条)进行了 6 次重量和长度采样,其中 Con 的平均重量从 628 和 758 克增加到 2635 和 3041 克。和 Alt 组,分别。与对照 (FCR 1.45) 相比,隔日饲喂导致交替饲喂组 (2283 与 2007 克) 的增重增加了 13 个百分点,并提高了饲料转化率 (FCR,1.07)。与对照组相比,Alt 组消耗的饲料明显减少 (27%)。