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The “Second Egypt”: Cretan Refugees, Agricultural Development, and Frontier Expansion in Ottoman Cyrenaica, 1897–1904
International Journal of Middle East Studies ( IF 1.130 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25 , DOI: 10.1017/s0020743820000975
Fredrick Walter Lorenz

This article investigates the Ottoman state's endeavor to create the “second Egypt” by consolidating its imperial authority along the coastline and hinterland of Cyrenaica from 1897 to 1904. It examines the strategic settlement of Cretan Muslim refugees in territories situated between Benghazi and Derna and in al-Jabal al-Akhdar following the Cretan insurrection of 1897–98. I argue that Cretan Muslim refugees-turned-settlers served as skilled agriculturalists and experienced armed sentries who were integral to the Ottoman state's plans for economic development and expansionism in Cyrenaica. Focusing particularly on ‘Ayn al-Shahhat and Marsa Susa, this article contends that the establishment of Cretan Muslim agricultural colonies served to undermine the political and economic position of the Sanusi order by appropriating the order's properties and access to resources. This work offers a new perspective on how the Ottoman state reasserted its sovereignty in its frontier territory in Cyrenaica by harnessing the power of migration.



本文研究了奥斯曼帝国在1897年至1904年间巩固其沿Cyrenaica海岸线和腹地的帝国权威以创建“第二个埃及”的努力。它研究了位于班加西(Benghazi)和德纳(Derna)之间以及其他地区的克里特岛穆斯林难民的战略定居点-Jabal al-Akhdar在1897–98年克里特岛起义之后。我争辩说,克里特岛穆斯林难民转为定居者是熟练的农业工作者和经验丰富的武装哨兵,这些都是奥斯曼帝国在塞里埃尼察的经济发展和扩张主义计划不可或缺的组成部分。本文特别针对“艾因·沙哈特(Ayn al-Shahhat)和玛莎·苏萨(Marsa Susa),认为,克里特岛穆斯林农业殖民地的建立有助于通过盗用该秩序来破坏萨努西秩序的政治和经济地位” 的属性和对资源的访问。这项工作为奥斯曼帝国如何通过利用移民力量重新确立其在塞里纳伊卡边疆地区的主权提供了新的视角。
