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Impact of changes in the frequency of food pantry utilization on client food security and well-being
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1002/aepp.13166
Tammy Leonard 1 , David Andrews 2 , Sandi L. Pruitt 3, 4

Food pantries have traditionally focused on meeting emergency food needs. However, for many clients, food assistance is a long-term need. The frequency with which long-term clients visit food pantries varies; and in general, visiting frequency has been understudied because the focus has largely been on emergency, rather than long-term, food assistance impacts. We leveraged a program innovation to identify the impact of visiting frequency on client outcomes. Using fixed-effect models, we analyzed a panel of 1663 long-term food pantry users observed monthly from 2017 to 2019. Within-client increases in visiting frequency were associated with within-in client improvements in food security and health.



食品储藏室传统上专注于满足紧急食品需求。然而,对于许多客户来说,食品援助是一项长期需求。长期客户访问食品储藏室的频率各不相同;总的来说,访问频率没有得到充分研究,因为重点主要放在紧急而非长期的粮食援助影响上。我们利用一项计划创新来确定访问频率对客户结果的影响。使用固定效应模型,我们分析了从 2017 年到 2019 年每月观察到的 1663 名长期食品储藏室用户的小组。客户内部访问频率的增加与客户内部食品安全和健康方面的改善有关。