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Implementing the United Nations sustainable development Goals to supply chains with behavioral consumers
Annals of Operations Research ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10479-021-04037-9
Talat S. Genc

We identify that the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 7, 9, 12 pertaining to industry investment, innovation, affordability, clean product, and responsible consumption/production are relevant for the firms operating in closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) structures. We show how these goals can be implemented into a CLSC in which downstream manufacturer serves different types of consumers and engages in vertical relations with a supplier in the upstream. While the supplier invests in a green component, the manufacturer produces the final green product. The manufacturer diversifies its customer base and meet their demands through contracts and a variety of pricing options. Specifically, at the end of the supply chain there are three different customer groups: “contract customers”, “green-conscious customers”, and “wholesale market customers”. While the firms execute sustainability Goals of 7 and 9, the behavioral consumers who are the contract and green-conscious customers are altruistic, consume responsibly, and hence fulfill the Goal 12. We show that green consciousness and altruism play an important role on firm profitability and production. Furthermore, the SDGs proposed by the UN have welfare-improving implications. In particular, when the SDGs are implemented, all parties (firms and consumers) are better off compared to the benchmark case under which no SDGs are applied.



我们确定,与行业投资,创新,可负担性,清洁产品和负责任的消费/生产有关的联合国(UN)可持续发展目标(SDG)为7、9、12与在闭环供应链中运营的公司相关。 (CLSC)结构。我们展示了如何在CLSC中实现这些目标,在CLSC中下游制造商为不同类型的消费者提供服务,并与上游供应商建立垂直关系。在供应商投资绿色组件的同时,制造商生产最终的绿色产品。制造商通过合同和多种定价选择来多样化其客户群并满足他们的需求。具体来说,在供应链的末尾,有三个不同的客户群:“合同客户”,“注重环保的客户”,和“批发市场客户”。当企业执行7和9的可持续发展目标时,作为契约的行为消费者和具有绿色意识的客户是无私的,负责任地消费,从而实现了目标12。我们证明,绿色意识和利他主义对企业盈利能力起着重要的作用。和生产。此外,联合国提出的可持续发展目标具有改善福利的意义。特别是,在实施可持续发展目标时,与没有应用可持续发展目标的基准情况相比,各方(企业和消费者)的情况要好得多。我们表明,绿色意识和利他主义对公司的盈利能力和生产起着重要作用。此外,联合国提出的可持续发展目标具有改善福利的意义。特别是,在实施可持续发展目标时,与没有应用可持续发展目标的基准情况相比,各方(企业和消费者)的情况要好得多。我们表明,绿色意识和利他主义对公司的盈利能力和生产起着重要作用。此外,联合国提出的可持续发展目标具有改善福利的意义。特别是,在实施可持续发展目标时,与没有应用可持续发展目标的基准情况相比,各方(企业和消费者)的情况要好得多。
