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Research on Intelligent Identification of Pivoting Center and Smooth Processing of Test Data for Flying Flexible Joint
Frontiers in Neurorobotics ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.3389/fnbot.2021.666285
Yue-bing Wen , Jian-ping Tan

In this paper, a method of intelligent identification and data smooth processing of flying flexible joint pivoting center based on machine vision is proposed. The geometric center of the two markers attached to the flying body is located on a straight line at a certain angle to the center-line of the measured pivoting body, then continuous image sampling is carried out by industrial camera when the marker swings with the pivoting body, then image data is transmitted through a data interface to an industrial computer, then the image processing module de-noises the image, removes the background and locates the markers to obtain the plane coordinates of the markers in the coordinate system of the test system, then smooth the obtained coordinates. That is, by Matlab software, the coordinates of the mark points detected based on machine vision are optimized to obtain the smooth curve by fitting of the parabola and arc. Then the coordinates of the points on the curve are used to optimize the coordinates of the marked points from measurement. Then the optimized coordinate values are substituted into the calculation module of pivoting center, so the average pivoting center of the sampling interval of two images is calculated according to the mathematical model to approch the instantaneous pivoting center during the motion of the pivoting body. Then the result processing module displays and records the curve of pivoting center shift directly and effectively. Finally, it is validated by simulation and experiments that the precision of pivoting center measured by such measuring system is approximately 0.5%.


