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3D Reconstruction of the Morpho-Functional Topography of the Human Vagal Trigone
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.3389/fnana.2021.663399
Aron Emmi , Andrea Porzionato , Martina Contran , Enrico De Rose , Veronica Macchi , Raffaele De Caro

The Vagal Trigone, often referred to as Ala Cinerea, is a triangular-shaped area of the floor of the fourth ventricle that is strictly involved in the network of chardiochronotropic, baroceptive, respiratory and gastrointestinal control systems of the medulla oblongata. While it is frequently identified as the superficial landmark for the underlying Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus, this correspondence is not univocal in anatomical literature and is often oversimplified in neuroanatomy textbooks and neurosurgical atlases. As the structure represents an important landmark for neurosurgical procedures involving the floor of the fourth ventricle , accurate morphological characterization is required to avoid un wanted side effects (e.g. bradychardia, hypertension) during neuorphysiological monitoring and cranial nerve nuclei stimulation in intraoperative settings. The aim of this study was to address the anatomo-topographical relationships of the Vagal Trigone with the underlying nuclei. For this purpose, we have conducted an anatomo-microscopical examination of serial sections deriving from 54 Human Brainstems followed by 3D reconstruction and rendering of the specimens. Our findings indicate that the Vagal Trigone corresponds only partially with the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus, while most of its axial profile is occupied by the dorsal regions of the Solitary Tract Nucleus. Furthermore, basing on literature and our findings we speculate that the neuroblasts of the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of the Vagus undergo neurobiotaxic migration induced by the neuroblasts of the dorsolaterally located solitary tract nucleus, giving rise to the Ala Cinerea, a topographically defined area for parasympathetic visceral control.



迷走神经三角肌,通常称为Ala Cinerea,是第四脑室底部的三角形区域,严格参与了延髓的促变时性,压力感受性,呼吸和胃肠道控制系统网络。尽管通常将其确定为迷走神经下背运动核的表面标志,但这种对应关系在解剖学文献中并不是明确的,并且在神经解剖学教科书和神经外科地图集中常常被过分简化。由于该结构代表了涉及第四脑室底部的神经外科手术的重要里程碑,因此需要准确的形态学表征,以避免不必要的副作用(例如,运动迟缓,高血压)在术中进行神经生理监测和颅神经核刺激的过程中。这项研究的目的是解决迷走神经三角肌与潜在核的解剖学-地形学关系。为此,我们对来自54个人脑干的连续切片进行了解剖显微镜检查,然后进行了3D重建和标本渲染。我们的研究结果表明,迷走神经三角肌仅部分与迷走神经背运动核相对应,而其大部分轴向轮廓被孤立道核的背侧区域占据。此外,