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The nutritional value of some fruit tree leaves for finishing lambs
Animal Biotechnology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1080/10495398.2021.1891929
Mohsen Kazemi 1 , Kamal Ghasemi Bezdi 2


The nutritional value of some tree leaves (grape, common fig, barberry, sweet cherry, apricot, peach, and oleaster) was investigated by in vitro and common laboratory methods. Also, thirty Baluchi male lambs were randomly divided into five groups, including one control group (alfalfa) and four experimental groups, which received diets containing different leaves (barberry, apricot, peach, and grape). The crude protein content ranged from 128 for the sweet cherry to 164 g/kg DM for grape. Common fig and barberry had the greatest and lowest calcium (29.3 vs. 11.5 g/kg DM), respectively (p < 0.001). The greatest total volatile fatty acids, dry matter and organic matter digestibilities, as well as potential gas production, were observed in barberry leaves (p < 0.001). Apricot had the greatest acid-base buffering capacity (245 mEq × 10−3) (p < 0.001). Lambs fed with barberry had a greater average daily gain (179 g/day, p = 0.013). The results of in vitro and in vivo indicated that barberry leaves had a greater nutritional value among the studied leaves. It is concluded that alfalfa can be replaced with barberry, apricot, peach, and grape leaves up to 250 g/kg DM in diet without deleterious effects on performance, nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites, and hematology.




某些树叶(葡萄、无花果、伏牛花、甜樱桃、杏、桃和橄榄树)的营养价值通过体外和普通实验室方法进行了研究。此外,三十只俾路支雄性羔羊被随机分为五组,包括一组对照组(紫花苜蓿)和四组实验组,接受含有不同叶子(伏牛花、杏、桃和葡萄)的饮食。粗蛋白含量从甜樱桃的 128 到葡萄的 164 g/kg DM 不等。普通无花果和伏牛花的钙含量最高和最低(分别为 29.3 和 11.5 g/kg DM)(p  < 0.001)。在伏牛花叶中观察到最大的总挥发性脂肪酸、干物质和有机物质消化率,以及潜在的产气量(p < 0.001)。杏具有最大的酸碱缓冲能力 (245 mEq × 10 -3 ) ( p  < 0.001)。用伏牛花喂养的羔羊平均日增重更高(179 克/天,p  = 0.013)。体外体内结果表明,伏牛花叶在所研究的叶子中具有更高的营养价值。得出的结论是,可以用伏牛花、杏、桃和葡萄叶代替紫花苜蓿,日粮中干物质含量高达 250 g/kg,而不会对生产性能、营养消化率、血液代谢物和血液学产生有害影响。
