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Threat not solution: gender, global health security and COVID-19
International Affairs ( IF 4.985 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1093/ia/iiab012
Sophie Harman

COVID-19 has led to long overdue visibility of the gendered determinants and impacts of health emergencies and global health security. This article explores why gender was neglected in previous health emergencies, what led to change in visibility of gender issues during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the implications of such change for understanding the relationship between gender and global health security. The article explores the question of neglect by drawing on original research into the 2014–16 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, its aftermath and implications for future pandemic preparedness. The article then looks in detail at the research efforts, funding, epistemic community activism and impact of COVID-19 to explain why gender received high profile political attention and acknowledgment. The article argues that the change in visibility, research and advocacy around gender equality during the COVID-19 outbreak does not demonstrate an advancement in gender equality in global health. To the contrary, such visibility reinforces the inherent problems of global health security evident in the 2014–16 Ebola outbreak that create and reproduce binaries of neglect and visibility, and hierarchies of the global health issues that matter, the people that matter and the women that matter. What unites neglect and visibility of gender in global health security is that gender is understood as solution rather than threat. Combined these factors make gender equality incompatible with global health security.


威胁而非解决方案:性别、全球卫生安全和 COVID-19

COVID-19 导致人们早就应该了解性别决定因素以及突发卫生事件和全球卫生安全的影响。本文探讨了为什么在之前的突发卫生事件中忽视了性别问题,是什么导致了在 COVID-19 大流行的前六个月中性别问题的可见度发生了变化,以及这种变化对理解性别与全球卫生安全之间关系的影响。本文通过对 2014-16 年塞拉利昂埃博拉疫情、其后果和对未来大流行防范的影响的原始研究,探讨了忽视问题。然后,本文详细研究了 COVID-19 的研究工作、资金、认知社区活动和影响,以解释为什么性别受到高度关注的政治关注和承认。这篇文章认为,在 COVID-19 爆发期间,围绕性别平等的知名度、研究和宣传的变化并未表明全球卫生领域的性别平等取得了进展。相反,这种可见性强化了全球卫生安全的内在问题,这在 2014-16 年埃博拉疫情中很明显,这些问题产生并重现了忽视和可见性的二元效应,以及重要的全球卫生问题、重要的人和重要的妇女的等级制度。事情。将全球卫生安全中对性别的忽视和可见性统一起来的是,性别被理解为解决方案而不是威胁。综合这些因素,性别平等与全球卫生安全不相容。在 COVID-19 爆发期间围绕性别平等开展的研究和宣传并未表明全球卫生领域的性别平等取得了进展。相反,这种可见性强化了全球卫生安全的内在问题,这在 2014-16 年埃博拉疫情中很明显,这些问题产生并重现了忽视和可见性的二元效应,以及重要的全球卫生问题、重要的人和重要的妇女的等级制度。事情。将全球卫生安全中对性别的忽视和可见性统一起来的是,性别被理解为解决方案而不是威胁。综合这些因素,性别平等与全球卫生安全不相容。在 COVID-19 爆发期间围绕性别平等开展的研究和宣传并未表明全球卫生领域的性别平等取得了进展。相反,这种可见性强化了全球卫生安全的内在问题,这在 2014-16 年埃博拉疫情中很明显,这些问题产生并重现了忽视和可见性的二元效应,以及重要的全球卫生问题、重要的人和重要的妇女的等级制度。事情。将全球卫生安全中对性别的忽视和可见性统一起来的是,性别被理解为解决方案而不是威胁。综合这些因素,性别平等与全球卫生安全不相容。这种可见性强化了全球卫生安全的内在问题,这在 2014-16 年埃博拉疫情中很明显,它产生并重现了忽视和可见性的二元效应,以及重要的全球卫生问题、重要的人和重要的妇女的等级制度。将全球卫生安全中对性别的忽视和可见性统一起来的是,性别被理解为解决方案而不是威胁。综合这些因素,性别平等与全球卫生安全不相容。这种可见性强化了全球卫生安全的内在问题,这在 2014-16 年埃博拉疫情中很明显,它产生并重现了忽视和可见性的二元效应,以及重要的全球卫生问题、重要的人和重要的妇女的等级制度。将全球卫生安全中对性别的忽视和可见性统一起来的是,性别被理解为解决方案而不是威胁。综合这些因素,性别平等与全球卫生安全不相容。