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Reimagining global citizenship education for a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world
Globalisation, Societies and Education Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2021.1904212
Sharon Stein 1


In this article, I propose the need to reimagine global citizenship education for a VUCA world: volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. In this context, it remains unclear what kind of GCE could adequately prepare young people for numerous overlapping global challenges. Most responses to this conjuncture suggest that we revise our descriptions of the problems we face, and cohere around a single prescription for how to proceed in order to either reform or replace our existing system. Drawing on a diagnosis of the present offered by Zygmunt Bauman, and a decolonial analysis of how we arrived here, I ask how we might reimagine GCE in ways that are strategically responsive to current systemic crises, and ethically responsive to the ongoing colonial conditions that are at the root of these crises. I propose an approach to GCE that moves beyond the transmission of static competencies or content, and instead fosters learners’ capacities for ongoing self-reflexivity, accountability, and discernment. Toward this end, I suggest balancing concrete policy and open-ended pedagogy, critical and affective literacy, and intellectual and relational rigour. I also suggest the need to identify and interrupt harmful circularities that commonly emerge in efforts to imagine GCE otherwise.


为动荡、不确定、复杂和模棱两可的 (VUCA) 世界重新构想全球公民教育


在本文中,我提出需要为 VUCA 世界重新构想全球公民教育:易变、不确定、复杂和模棱两可。在这种情况下,尚不清楚什么样的 GCE 可以让年轻人为众多重叠的全球挑战做好充分准备。对这种情况的大多数回应表明,我们修改了对我们面临的问题的描述,并围绕如何进行的单一处方凝聚在一起,以便改革或取代我们现有的系统。根据齐格蒙特·鲍曼 (Zygmunt Bauman) 对当下的诊断,以及对我们如何到达这里的非殖民化分析,我问我们如何以对当前系统性危机做出战略响应的方式重新构想 GCE,并在道德上响应持续的殖民条件在这些危机的根源。我提出了一种 GCE 方法,它超越了静态能力或内容的传输,而是培养学习者持续自我反思、责任感和洞察力的能力。为此,我建议平衡具体政策和开放式教学法、批判性和情感性素养以及知识和关系的严谨性。我还建议需要识别和中断在努力想象 GCE 时通常会出现的有害循环。
