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Brucella spp. and Francisella tularensis from an invasive alien species (Sus scrofa) in the southcentral USA
Ecosphere ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3426
Steven T. Peper 1 , Anna Hoffarth 1 , Kevin Athanasiou 1, 2 , Samuel L. Hawkins 1 , Alexander N. Wilson‐Fallon 1 , Anna Gibson 1, 2 , Cynthia Reinoso Webb 1 , Joshua A. Gaskamp 3 , Stephen L. Webb 3 , Katelyn M. Haydett 1 , Hannah S. Tiffin 1 , Steven M. Presley 1

Wild pig (Sus scrofa) populations in the United States are expanding and increasing in distribution and abundance and are known to reservoir a variety of pathogens that can have economic and agricultural impacts. We examined wild pigs for exposure to Brucella spp. and Francisella tularensis from Oklahoma and Texas to determine their potential role as a regional reservoir for these pathogens since wild pigs co‐occur with livestock, especially on rangelands in this region. Antibodies to Brucella spp. and F. tularensis were found in every location sampled and during multiple years. Overall, wild pigs had a 12.5% prevalence of Brucella spp. and a 14.8% prevalence of F. tularensis in this study. Wild pig prevalence of Brucella spp. was 43 times higher in southcentral Oklahoma compared to previously published results. Understanding and monitoring regional disease prevalence rates in wild pigs are necessary, especially on rangelands managing for livestock that may be susceptible to these diseases.


布鲁氏菌属。和美国中南部的一种外来入侵物种(Sus scrofa)的土拉弗朗西斯菌

在美国,野猪Sus scrofa)种群的分布和数量正在扩大和增加,并且已知能够储存可能对经济和农业产生影响的多种病原体。我们检查了野猪是否接触布鲁氏菌。以及来自俄克拉荷马州和得克萨斯州的土拉弗朗西斯菌Francisella tularensis),以确定它们作为这些病原体的区域性储藏库的潜在作用,因为野猪与牲畜共存,特别是在该地区的牧场上。布鲁氏菌属的抗体。多年以来,在每个采样地点都发现了T.Tularensis。总体而言,野生猪的布鲁氏菌占12.5%。和14.8%的患病率本研究中的土拉弗朗西斯布鲁氏菌属野猪的流行。是俄克拉荷马州中南部的43倍,高于先前公布的结果。必须了解和监测野猪的区域疾病流行率,尤其是在管理可能易患这些疾病的牲畜的牧场上。