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When ENVER becomes NEVER: Memory Palimpsest in Berat, Albania
East European Politics and Societies ( IF 1.225 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-25 , DOI: 10.1177/0888325420983414
Waldemar Kuligowski 1

The article is a critical analysis of data collected during anthropologic fieldwork in the Albanian city of Berat, where one of the world’s largest political slogans is located. The inscription “ENVER” on Shpirag mountain was created in 1968 as a birthday present for the leader of the Albanian regime Enver Hoxha. For almost thirty years, this inscription dominated the city, being visible from a distance of many kilometers. After the political transformation in 1991, the new Albanian government planned to destroy the slogan as a remnant of the cult of personality. However, despite the help of the army and the use of explosives, the inscription could not be removed. The giant slogan from Berat is a phenomenon on a global scale: its history, as well as its meanings, created a unique narrative about Albanian politics and culture. For over three decades, the inscription has become an element of the local aesthetic and social landscape. In 2012 the Albanian artist made a subversive act of capturing the old propaganda slogan: as a consequence, the original inscription “ENVER” was replaced with a new one: “NEVER.” Anthropological fieldwork and art-based research focused on the slogan, encouraged participants to express ideas, insights, views, and experiences. The data collected during the research are very varied. Many of them consist of superficial judgments, gossips, presumptions, and stereotypical clichés. They are also accompanied by much deeper expressions, articulating the palimpsest memory of women and men living in the shadow of ENVER/NEVER.



本文是对阿尔巴尼亚培拉特市人类学田野调查期间收集的数据的批判性分析,该市是世界上最大的政治口号之一。Shpirag山上的铭文“ ENVER”创建于1968年,是阿尔巴尼亚政权Enver Hoxha领导人的生日礼物。在将近30年的时间里,这个铭文在整个城市中占据着主导地位,可以从数公里远的地方看到。1991年政治转型后,新的阿尔巴尼亚政府计划销毁该口号,以保留个人崇拜。但是,尽管有军队的帮助和使用炸药,但碑文仍无法删除。来自培拉特的巨大口号在全球范围内是一种现象:它的历史及其含义创造了关于阿尔巴尼亚政治和文化的独特叙述。在过去的三十多年中,铭文已成为当地美学和社会风光的元素。2012年,这位阿尔巴尼亚艺术家采取了颠覆性的行动,抓住了旧的宣传口号:结果,原来的铭文“ ENVER”被新的“ NEVER”代替。以口号为主题的人类学田野调查和基于艺术的研究鼓励参与者表达想法,见解,观点和经验。研究期间收集的数据非常不同。其中许多内容由肤浅的判断,八卦,推定和陈规定型陈词滥调组成。它们还伴随着更深层的表达,表达了生活在ENVER / NEVER阴影下的男女最淡淡的记忆。2012年,这位阿尔巴尼亚艺术家采取了颠覆性的行动,抓住了旧的宣传口号:结果,原来的铭文“ ENVER”被新的“ NEVER”代替。以口号为主题的人类学田野调查和基于艺术的研究鼓励参与者表达想法,见解,观点和经验。研究期间收集的数据非常不同。其中许多内容由肤浅的判断,八卦,推定和陈规定型陈词滥调组成。它们还伴随着更深层的表达,表达了生活在ENVER / NEVER阴影下的男女最淡淡的记忆。2012年,这位阿尔巴尼亚艺术家采取了颠覆性的行动,抓住了旧的宣传口号:结果,原来的铭文“ ENVER”被新的“ NEVER”代替。以口号为主题的人类学田野调查和基于艺术的研究鼓励参与者表达想法,见解,观点和经验。研究期间收集的数据非常不同。其中许多内容由肤浅的判断,八卦,推定和陈规定型陈词滥调组成。它们还伴随着更深层的表达,表达了生活在ENVER / NEVER阴影下的男女最淡淡的记忆。鼓励参与者表达想法,见解,观点和经验。研究期间收集的数据非常不同。其中许多内容由肤浅的判断,八卦,推定和陈规定型陈词滥调组成。它们还伴随着更深层的表达,表达了生活在ENVER / NEVER阴影下的男女最淡淡的记忆。鼓励参与者表达想法,见解,观点和经验。研究期间收集的数据非常不同。其中许多内容由肤浅的判断,八卦,推定和陈规定型陈词滥调组成。它们还伴随着更深层的表达,表达了生活在ENVER / NEVER阴影下的男女最淡淡的记忆。
