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The Prosperity Ethic: Neoliberal Christianity and the Rise of the New Prosperity Gospel in the Philippines
Pneuma Pub Date : 2021-03-24 , DOI: 10.1163/15700747-bja10029
Erron Medina 1 , Jayeel Cornelio 1

A new prosperity gospel is emerging in the Philippines. We call it the prosperity ethic. Its dimensions set it apart from the previous incarnation of the prosperity gospel, which emphasized tithing and confessing. Specifically, the prosperity ethic values upward mobility and uses biblical principles for the acquisition of practical skills to become rich. We make our case by drawing on the writings of Bo Sanchez and Chinkee Tan, two of the most influential prosperity-oriented preachers in the country. The prosperity ethic has three dimensions: the morality of wealth (believing right), the prescribed mindset (thinking right), and the practical skills to accumulate wealth (doing it right). In the latter part we explain the rise of the prosperity ethic by relating it to major shifts in the economy since the 1990s. For sanctifying individual hard work and desire, the new prosperity gospel is emblematic of neoliberal Christianity in the Philippines today.



菲律宾正在出现新的繁荣福音。我们称之为繁荣伦理。它的尺寸使它与以前的繁荣福音化身不同,后者强调什一奉献和认罪。具体而言,繁荣伦理重视向上的流动性,并使用圣经原则来获取实践技能以致富。我们以博桑切斯(Bo Sanchez)和钦基·谭(Chinkee Tan)的著作为例,这是该国最有影响力的两个以繁荣为导向的传教士。繁荣伦理具有三个方面:财富的道德(信以为真),规定的思维方式(思想为向右)和积累财富的实践技巧(做到正确)。在后一部分中,我们通过将繁荣伦理与1990年代以来经济的重大变化联系起来,来解释繁荣伦理的兴起。
