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Extended formulations for stable set polytopes of graphs without two disjoint odd cycles
Mathematical Programming ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s10107-021-01635-0
Michele Conforti , Samuel Fiorini , Tony Huynh , Stefan Weltge

Let G be an n-node graph without two disjoint odd cycles. The algorithm of Artmann, Weismantel and Zenklusen (STOC’17) for bimodular integer programs can be used to find a maximum weight stable set in G in strongly polynomial time. Building on structural results characterizing sufficiently connected graphs without two disjoint odd cycles, we construct a size-\(O(n^2)\) extended formulation for the stable set polytope of G.



G为一个n节点图,没有两个不相交的奇数周期。用于双模整数程序的Artmann,Weismantel和Zenklusen算法(STOC'17)可用于在强多项式时间内找到G中的最大权重稳定集。基于表征没有两个不相交奇数环的充分连接的图的结构结果,我们为G的稳定集多态性构造了一个大小\(O(n ^ 2)\)扩展的公式。
