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Robust spectral risk optimization when the subjective risk aversion is ambiguous: a moment-type approach
Mathematical Programming ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1007/s10107-021-01630-5
Shaoyan Guo , Huifu Xu

Choice of a risk measure for quantifying risk of an investment portfolio depends on the decision maker’s risk preference. In this paper, we consider the case when such a preference can be described by a law invariant coherent risk measure but the choice of a specific risk measure is ambiguous. We propose a robust spectral risk approach to address such ambiguity. Differing from Wang and Xu (SIAM J Optim 30(4):3198–3229, 2020), the new robust model allows one to elicit the decision maker’s risk preference through pairwise comparisons and use the elicited preference information to construct an ambiguity set of risk spectra. The robust spectral risk measure (RSRM) is based on the worst case risk spectrum from the set. To calculate RSRM and solve the associated optimal decision making problem, we use a technique from Acerbi and Simonetti (Portfolio optimization with spectral measures of risk. Working paper, 2002) to develop a new computational approach which is independent of order statistics and reformulate the robust spectral risk optimization problem as a single deterministic convex programming problem when the risk spectra in the ambiguity set are step-like. Moreover, we propose an approximation scheme when the risk spectra are not step-like and derive a bound for the model approximation error and its propagation to the optimal decision making problems. Some preliminary numerical test results are reported about the performance of the robust model and the computational scheme.



用于量化投资组合风险的风险度量的选择取决于决策者的风险偏好。在本文中,我们考虑了这样一种情况,即这种偏好可以用法不变的相干风险度量来描述,但是特定风险度量的选择是模棱两可的。我们提出了一种鲁棒的频谱风险方法来解决这种歧义。与Wang和Xu(SIAM J Optim 30(4):3198–3229,2020)不同,新的鲁棒模型允许人们通过成对比较得出决策者的风险偏好,并使用得出的偏好信息来构建风险的歧义集。光谱。稳健的频谱风险度量(RSRM)基于集合中最坏情况的风险频谱。要计算RSRM并解决相关的最佳决策问题,我们使用Acerbi和Simonetti的技术(使用风险频谱度量的投资组合优化。工作论文,2002年)来开发一种新的计算方法,该方法与阶次统计无关,并将稳健的频谱风险优化问题重新构造为单个确定性凸规划问题。模糊度集中的风险谱是阶梯状的。此外,当风险谱不是阶梯状时,我们提出了一种近似方案,并为模型近似误差及其对最优决策问题的传播推导了一个边界。一些初步的数值测试结果被报告有关鲁棒模型的性能和计算方案。(2002年)开发一种新的计算方法,该方法与阶次统计无关,并且当歧义集中的风险谱为阶梯状时,将健壮的谱风险优化问题重新构造为单个确定性凸规划问题。此外,当风险谱不是阶梯状时,我们提出了一种近似方案,并为模型近似误差及其对最优决策问题的传播推导了一个边界。一些初步的数值测试结果被报告有关鲁棒模型的性能和计算方案。(2002年)开发一种新的计算方法,该方法与阶次统计无关,并且当歧义集中的风险谱为阶梯状时,将健壮的谱风险优化问题重新构造为单个确定性凸规划问题。此外,当风险谱不是阶梯状时,我们提出了一种近似方案,并为模型近似误差及其对最优决策问题的传播推导了一个边界。一些初步的数值测试结果被报告有关鲁棒模型的性能和计算方案。当风险谱不是阶梯状时,我们提出了一种近似方案,并为模型近似误差及其对最优决策问题的传播推导了边界。一些初步的数值测试结果被报告有关鲁棒模型的性能和计算方案。当风险谱不是阶梯状时,我们提出了一种近似方案,并为模型近似误差及其对最优决策问题的传播推导了边界。一些初步的数值测试结果被报告有关鲁棒模型的性能和计算方案。
