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The Utility of Infectious and Neurodiagnostic Testing in Children With Complex Febrile Seizures Requiring Mechanical Ventilation
Journal of Child Neurology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1177/08830738211000507
Jennifer H Yang 1, 2 , Richard Villegas 2, 3 , Sandeep Khanna 2, 3 , Julie Kaswick 2, 3 , Nicole G Coufal 2, 3 , John Crawford 1, 2 , Helen Harvey 2, 3

A retrospective cohort analysis was performed on 79 consecutive patients between 6 months and 5 years admitted to a tertiary hospital with a diagnosis of complex febrile seizures requiring mechanical ventilation from 2011 to 2017 to determine the utility of infectious and neurologic diagnostics. Intubation was used as a proxy for severity of illness. The overall intensive care unit stay was short (95% intubated <24 hours, 88% admitted <3 days). No life-threatening infections were identified, and none required surgical interventions. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was obtained on 43%, 26% of which were abnormal. Sixty-six percent of patients were discharged on rescue benzodiazepine and 20% with maintenance antiseizure medications. Duration of follow-up averaged 4 years (range 1 month to 9 years); 8 patients (10%) were subsequently diagnosed with epilepsy. Our findings suggest that extensive diagnostic evaluations may not be necessary for children with complex febrile seizures requiring mechanical ventilation although the role of EEG is less understood.



一项回顾性队列分析对 2011 年至 2017 年在三级医院收治的 79 名连续 6 个月至 5 年的患者进行了回顾性队列分析,这些患者被诊断为需要机械通气的复杂热性惊厥,以确定感染和神经系统诊断的效用。插管被用作疾病严重程度的代表。整个重症监护病房的住院时间很短(95% 插管<24 小时,88% 入院<3 天)。没有发现危及生命的感染,也没有人需要手术干预。43% 获得脑电图 (EEG),其中 26% 异常。66% 的患者在使用苯二氮卓类药物后出院,20% 的患者使用维持性抗癫痫药物出院。平均随访时间为 4 年(1 个月至 9 年);8 名患者(10%)随后被诊断为癫痫。我们的研究结果表明,对于需要机械通气的复杂热性惊厥的儿童,可能不需要进行广泛的诊断评估,尽管脑电图的作用尚不清楚。
