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Research and practice, meet the state education agency
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 0.980 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1177/00317217211007335
Carrie Conaway

State education agencies play critically important roles in promoting research use in education. They influence policy design and implementation, collect data about schools and districts, and can use their statewide reach to advance research use within the state agency and in districts. As Carrie Conaway explains, the states that have done the most to advance research use for systems improvement have built research infrastructures, used both existing research and local data to spur improvement, and formed close partnerships with researchers.



州教育机构在促进教育研究用途方面发挥着至关重要的作用。他们影响政策的设计和实施,收集有关学校和地区的数据,并可以利用其在全州范围的影响力来促进州政府机构和地区内的研究用途。正如Carrie Conaway解释的那样,为促进系统改进而在研究方面所做的最大努力的州已建立了研究基础架构,同时利用现有研究和本地数据来促进改进,并与研究人员建立了紧密的合作伙伴关系
