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Washington View: Toward more climate-friendly schools
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 0.980 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1177/00317217211007343
Maria Ferguson

The Biden administration is taking steps to address climate change, but, so far, little attention has been paid to the role of schools. Even within the education sector, as Maria Ferguson explains, conversations about education and climate change tend to focus how to teach students about it, rather than about how schools themselves might contribute to it. Groups such as UndauntedK12 and the Sierra Club are encouraging schools, and the policy makers who fund them, to look for opportunities to make school buildings and buses more climate friendly.



拜登政府正在采取措施应对气候变化,但到目前为止,对学校的作用关注甚少。正如玛丽亚·弗格森(Maria Ferguson)解释的那样,即使在教育领域,有关教育和气候变化的对话也倾向于着重于如何向学生传授有关教育的知识,而不是学校本身如何为教育做出贡献。诸如UndauntedK12和Sierra Club之类的团体正在鼓励学校以及为其提供资金的政策制定者,寻找机会使学校建筑和公共汽车对气候更加友好
