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Off the beaten path: Adventure Therapy as an adjunct to early intervention for psychosis
Psychosis ( IF 1.239 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1080/17522439.2021.1901301
Camille Girard 1 , J. Éric Dubé 1 , Amal Abdel-Baki 2 , Clairélaine Ouellet-Plamondon 2


Objectives: To describe the experience of Adventure Therapy (AT) in young adults with first-episode psychosis, and how it relates to their recovery process.

Method: We conducted individual, semi-structured interviews with 15 participants, immediately following, and six months after a four-day adventure expedition. A thematic analysis was performed on all transcripts.

Results: One overarching theme emerged from our analysis: a new or renewed experience of being in relation with oneself and with others. Under this broad theme, there were five key themes: (a) experiencing intense, yet contained emotions; (b) developing new perceptions of one’s abilities, qualities, or interests; (c) gaining new insights about oneself through the feedback of others; (d) experiencing positive social interactions; and (e) openly sharing with others one’s personal experience with psychosis. Various expressions of the impacts of AT on daily life and the recovery process also emerged, such as an increase in self-confidence.

Conclusions: Since the recovery process has been conceived of as resting, in part, on a readjustment of one’s relation with oneself, others, and the world, AT appears to combine those factors pertaining to recovery. Therefore, the use of AT as an adjunct treatment in early intervention for psychosis could be effective in supporting recovery.




目标:描述在患有首发精神病的年轻人中的冒险疗法 (AT) 体验,以及它与他们的康复过程的关系。

方法:我们对 15 名参与者进行了单独的、半结构化的访谈,在为期四天的冒险探险之后立即和六个月之后。对所有转录本进行了主题分析。

结果:我们的分析中出现了一个首要主题:与自己和他人建立关系的新体验或更新体验。在这个广泛的主题下,有五个关键主题:(a) 体验强烈但又含蓄的情绪;(b) 对自己的能力、品质或兴趣产生新的认识;(c) 通过他人的反馈获得关于自己的新见解;(d) 体验积极的社会互动;(e) 公开与他人分享自己的精神病经历。AT对日常生活和恢复过程的影响也出现了各种表现,例如自信心增加。

结论:由于恢复过程被认为部分依赖于重新调整与自己、他人和世界的关系,因此 AT 似乎结合了与恢复有关的这些因素。因此,在精神病的早期干预中使用 AT 作为辅助治疗可以有效地支持康复。
