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Microscopic, biochemical and stable isotopic investigation of seven multi-nutritional food-balls from Indus archaeological site, Rajasthan (India)
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Pub Date : 2021-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102917
Rajesh Agnihorti , Anjum Farooqui , Niteshkumar Khonde , Runcie P. Mathews , Shalini Sharma , S.K.S Gahlaud , Sanjay Kumar Manjul , Arvin Manjul , Ravi Sawlani

During excavation of a Harappan archaeological site 4MSR (29°12′24.48″N, 73°09′20.16″E) from western Rajasthan (India), seven closely spaced similar sized spheroids (food-balls) were recovered. Detailed microscopic, biochemical (organic), elemental and stable isotopic composition of the spheroidal-material was studied. δ13C value of organic fraction (−22.5‰) indicated agricultural origin of organic matter. Significant excesses of Magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca) and Potassium (K) further supported organic (food material) dominance in the spheroids. Gas chromatography mass-spectrometry (GCMS) analysis showed dominance of plant derived organic compounds in the spheroid sample. Microscopic stain analysis using safranin and iodine dyes confirmed bulk of the spheroids was composed of organic material. Majority of starch granule morphotypes found in spheroid-material were made of legumes and cereals dominated by Mung (Vigna radiata). Siliceous phytoliths, Ca and Mg oxalate crystals along with a few Mg sulphate crystals were also observed in spheroids composition. We surmise these spheroids were mainly made up of food grains comprising both cereals and legumes. The concept of offerings for some ritual or multi-nutritive compact food balls for instant nutrition as food-supplement, perhaps prevailing during that period. The presence of bull figurines, hand held copper adze and a Harappan seal in the vicinity of these seven food balls signify that humans revered all these commodities due to their utility and importance to them.



在从印度拉贾斯坦邦西部挖掘哈拉潘考古遗址4MSR(北纬29°12′24.48″,东经73°09′20.16″)时,发现了七个间距很小的相似大小的球体(食物球)。研究了球形材料的详细的微观,生化(有机),元素和稳定同位素组成。δ 13有机部分的C值(−22.5‰)表示农业有机物来源。大量过量的镁(Mg),钙(Ca)和钾(K)进一步支持了球体中有机(食品原料)的优势。气相色谱质谱法(GCMS)分析显示,球形样品中植物衍生的有机化合物占主导地位。使用番红花和碘染料的显微染色分析证实,大部分球体是由有机材料组成的。在球形物质中发现的大多数淀粉颗粒形态型是由以绿豆(Vigna radiata)为主的豆类和谷物制成的。)。在球体的组成中也观察到硅质硅藻土,Ca和Mg草酸盐晶体以及少量Mg硫酸盐晶体。我们推测这些球体主要由包含谷物和豆类的食物颗粒组成。提供一些仪式性或多种营养的紧凑型食物丸以提供即时营养作为食物补充品的概念,也许在那个时期很盛行。在这七个食物球附近,有公牛俑,手持铜制ze子和哈拉潘海豹的存在,标志着人们对它们的实用性和重要性对所有这些商品都表示崇敬。
