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How the Lived Experiences of Adults with Visual Impairments Are Shaped by Innumerable Factors
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness ( IF 1.128 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19 , DOI: 10.1177/0145482x211001167
Sandra Lewis

When previewing this issue of the Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, I experienced an array of emotions, among them curiosity, anger, despair, and hope. No doubt readers will share many of these same feelings as they read the works of the researchers presented here, all of whom are focused on improving student and client outcomes through the identification of inequities and documentation of methods for better preparing service providers who are implementing meaningful, effective practices.



在预览这一期《视觉障碍与失明杂志》时,我经历了许多情绪,其中包括好奇心,愤怒,绝望和希望。毫无疑问,读者在阅读此处介绍的研究人员的作品时会分享许多相同的感受,他们都致力于通过识别不平等现象和方法文档来改善学生和客户的成果,从而更好地为实施有意义的服务提供者做准备。 ,有效的做法。