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Orations for the First Generation of Theodosian Imperial Women
Journal of Late Antiquity Pub Date : 2021-03-18
Meaghan McEvoy


This article examines four orations dedicated to, or concerned with, the first generation of imperial women of the Theodosian house. Exploring first the funeral orations delivered by Gregory of Nyssa at Constantinople for Pulcheria and Flaccilla in the 380s ce, and second Claudian’s poems in honor of Serena and for the marriage of Maria and Honorius at Milan in the 390s ce, it aims to highlight the particular insights these speeches offer concerning the women of the new ruling house and the courts within which they operated. In so doing, it will investigate the developing canon of virtues expected of a late Roman imperial woman at the end of the fourth century.




本文研究了四个专门针对或与西奥多斯时期的第一代帝国妇女有关的演说。首先探讨奈萨(Gyory Nyssa)的格雷戈里(Gregory of Nyssa)在380 ce在君士坦丁堡为Pulcheria和Flaccilla举行的葬礼演说,其次是克劳迪安(Claudian)为纪念Serena而创作的诗歌,以及玛丽亚(Maria)和Honorius在390 ce在米兰的婚姻的第二次葬礼。这些演讲提供了有关新执政官所在的妇女及其所经营的法院的见解。这样,它将研究四世纪末一位已故的罗马帝国妇女所期望的发展中的美德。
