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Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell'Italia tra Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo ed. by Angelo Castrorao Barba (review)
Journal of Late Antiquity Pub Date : 2021-03-18
Darian Marie Totten

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell’Italia tra Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo ed. by Angelo Castrorao Barba
  • Darian Marie Totten
Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell’Italia tra Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo
Angelo Castrorao Barba, ed.
Oxford: Archeopress, 2018. Pp. 180. ISBN: 978-1-78-491823-1

This volume brings together the proceedings of a conference held in 2016 and is published in the series Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, Histories, Islands and Borders in the Mediterranean (365– 1556), which is devoted to the exploration of borders and frontiers as they relate to Mediterranean connectivity over the course of more than a millennium. The editor, Barba, explains in his introduction that these case studies offer new frameworks for interpreting rural settlements in Italy during this crucial period of transition between the disintegration of the Roman empire and the emergence of medieval structures of power, landholding and ecclesiastical authority. All papers [End Page 171] are diachronic in scope and collectively cover much of the Italian peninsula from Lombardy and Liguria in the northwest, Friuli in the northeast, into Tuscany and Rome’s northern hinterland, and south to Basilicata, Calabria, and the Salento. This is a rich assortment of archaeological excavation and field survey projects from varied landscape types (mountainous, agricultural, coastal, etc.).

Each study contextualizes individual sites or local landscapes within broader local and/or regional dynamics, employing a range of methodological approaches to bring the diversity of archaeological data from excavation (including architectural, funerary, artistic) and field survey together. Three main themes are repeated in these cases studies, which, while not new to historical debates heretofore, are further enriched by these novel contexts: re-assessing “marginal” landscapes, the Christianization of landscapes, and landscape transformations after the fall of Rome, including the afterlife of Roman villas.

Ecclesiastical connections, whether from a centralized diocese or not, seem to have stitched together seemingly marginal landscapes into sub-regional networks. Roascio unifies spatial surveys of inscriptions, fibulae and shrines across the region to speak of fourth- to fifth-century militarization in linking the mountainous subregion of Carnia (Udine). He then contextualizes the excavations at San Paolo ad Ilegio, a modest fourth-century shrine that gives way to a more imposing church in the fifth to sixth century coordinated by the urban diocese of Zuglio (Aquileia). By the seventh to ninth centuries, with the previous building abandoned, the site remained active as a multi-ethnic cemetery, interpreted as evidence of a return to local control of the ecclesiastical plebs network. Dellù offers a compelling account of the L’Oltrepò, an in-between landscape at the boundary with Liguria, the Po Valley and Lombardy. Using field survey data for rural settlement, she tracks the curtes and then the castra, as well as monasteries, and demonstrates the emergence of a rather thick network of churches over the course of the eighth to tenth centuries, both managed locally and connected to the urban-based diocese of Bobbiano. Castiglia’s contribution re-assesses the quantity as well as quality of rural church construction in northern Tuscany, a “marginal” landscape in being ignored by modern scholarship until the early 2000s. While he notes that there were few rural churches in this zone from the fourth to seventh centuries, those built were of considerable size and scale, reflective of concentrated investment and centralization of church officials, even if not yet a “network.” Circumstances change in the eighth to ninth centuries, when an uptick in church numbers is interpreted as the formation of a pre-parochial network.

Zagari assesses early monasticism in southern Italy’s mountainous corners through close reading of architectural remains dated to between Justinian’s rule and the Byzantine reconquest. She defines the main architectural features of monastic churches: central templon, narthex plus parekklesia, and towers. These Italian complexes seem architecturally similar to those in Coptic Egypt and Syro-Palestine. Moreover, this eastern architectural influence spread via these monastic southern Italian pilgrims to Rome. Locally, the monastery’s influence spread further via monks who probably resided nearby in caves or in huts rather than in the church complex itself, as seen at the site of Santa Marina a Delianuova. [End Page 172] At Capo Don, in...


Dinamiche代表内尔·坎帕涅·德尔·意大利(TardaAntichitàe Alto Medioevo ed)。通过安吉洛·卡斯特罗劳·巴尔巴(评论)



  • Dinamiche代表内尔·坎帕涅·德尔·意大利(TardaAntichitàe Alto Medioevo ed)。通过安吉洛·卡斯特罗劳·巴尔巴(Angelo Castrorao Barba)
  • 达里安·玛丽·托顿(Darian Marie Totten)
Dinamiche insediative NELLE康帕涅dell'Italia TRA迟发ANTICHITAê奥拓Medioevo
ngelo Ç astrorao亚巴

该卷汇集了2016年举行的一次会议的议事录,并出版在《Limina / Limites:地中海的考古,历史,岛屿和边界》(365-1556年)系列中,专门探讨边界和边界的探索。在一个多世纪的时间里与地中海的连通性有关。巴尔巴(Barba)编辑在引言中解释说,这些案例研究为解释意大利在罗马帝国解体与中世纪权力,土地所有权和教会权威结构的出现之间的关键过渡时期的农村住区提供了新的框架。所有论文[结束第171页]范围是历时性的,覆盖了意大利半岛的大部分区域,从西北的伦巴第和利古里亚,到东北的弗留利,再到托斯卡纳和罗马的北部腹地,再到南部的巴斯利卡塔,卡拉布里亚和萨伦托。这是各种各样的考古发掘和实地调查项目,来自不同的景观类型(山区,农业,沿海等)。


教会的联系,无论是否来自中央主教管区,似乎都将看似边缘的景观缝合到了次区域网络中。罗阿西奥统一了整个地区的铭文,腓骨和神spatial的空间测量,以说是连接卡尼亚(乌迪内)山区的第四至第五世纪的军事化。然后,他将圣保罗圣伊洛吉奥(San Paolo ad Ilegio)的发掘情境化,这是一座温和的四世纪神社,在第五至六世纪由城市教区祖格里奥(Aquileia)协调下,成为一座气势恢宏的教堂。到了第七至第九个世纪,以前的建筑被废弃了,该遗址仍是一座多民族的墓地,被认为是恢复了当地教会信仰的证据。网络。德拉(Dellù)很好地描述了L'Oltrepò,这是与利古里亚(Liguria),波河谷(Po Valley)和伦巴第(Lombardy)交界处的中间景观。她使用田野调查数据进行农村定居,追踪了坡度,然后追踪了卡斯特拉castra)。,以及修道院,并展示了在八至十世纪期间相当庞大的教堂网络的出现,这些教堂既在当地进行管理,又与波比阿诺的城市教区相连。卡斯蒂利亚(Castiglia)的贡献重新评估了托斯卡纳北部乡村教堂建设的数量和质量,这是直到2000年代初期一直被现代学者所忽略的“边缘”景观。他指出,从四世纪到七世纪,该地区很少有乡村教堂,但建造的教堂规模和规模都相当可观,这反映出集中的投资和教堂官员的集中化,即使还不是一个“网络”。在八至九世纪,情况发生了变化,当时教堂人数的增加被解释为是一个先居网络的形成。

扎加里(Zagari)通过仔细阅读日期在查士丁尼(Justinian)统治和拜占庭(Byzantine)征服之间的建筑遗迹,评估了意大利南部山区角落的早期修道院。她定义了修道院教堂的主要建筑特征:中央圣殿纳尔特克斯加帕克莱克西亚斯和塔楼。这些意大利建筑群在建筑上似乎与科普特埃及和锡罗-巴勒斯坦的建筑群相似。此外,这种东方建筑的影响力通过这些修道院的意大利南部朝圣者传到了罗马。在当地,修道院的影响力是通过僧侣进一步传播的,这些僧侣可能居住在附近的洞穴或小屋中,而不是教堂内部,就像在Delianuova的圣玛丽娜(Santa Marina a Delianuova)现场看到的那样。[完第172页]在卡波唐,在...
