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Well Worth Saving: American Universities' Life and Death Decisions on Refugees from Nazi Europe by Laurel Leff (review)
American Jewish History Pub Date : 2021-03-18
Stephen H. Norwood

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Reviewed by:

  • Well Worth Saving: American Universities' Life and Death Decisions on Refugees from Nazi Europe by Laurel Leff
  • Stephen H. Norwood (bio)
Well Worth Saving: American Universities' Life and Death Decisions on Refugees from Nazi Europe. By Laurel Leff. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019. x + 357 pp.

This important and thoroughly researched study undermines the longstanding triumphal narrative of refugee scholars from Nazi Germany finding a haven in American academia. The focus has largely been on American colleges' and universities' embrace of a few world-renowned scholars, such as Albert Einstein and Richard Courant. Yet such cases comprised only a minuscule percentage of the vast numbers forced out of German universities who sought positions in the United States. A major strength of Laurel Leff's book is the serious attention she devotes to recounting the travails of the sizeable number of talented European academics thwarted in their attempts to find refuge in America. Leff provides in-depth biographical studies of eight of these mostly forgotten scholars. She carefully analyzes the barriers American universities, the State Department, and the Roosevelt administration maintained that prevented not only access to academic positions in the United States but also entry into the country. As a result, a considerable number of refugee scholars were forced into hiding during the Holocaust in Germanoccupied territory, pushed into starvation, or murdered in annihilation camps or ghettos.

Leff also assesses the contributions and the limitations of organizations involved in finding academic employment for refugee scholars, the most important of which were the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars (EC) and the New School for Social Research's University in Exile, both founded in 1933, and the Rockefeller Foundation. [End Page 643] These organizations made more of an effort to find positions for scholars discharged after Hitler came to power than the American universities themselves, which remained largely indifferent.

The mostly Jewish-funded EC, wary of university administrators' discomfort with—and often overt hostility to—Jews, provided partial financial support for temporary (two-year) appointments, with other institutions (often the Rockefeller Foundation), supplying the rest. Professors offered positions at American colleges and universities were eligible for non-quota visas, but Leff demonstrates how the State Department made these difficult to procure. There was no guarantee that the refugee scholar would be able to secure another position after the appointment (shortened to one year in 1940) ended. Insisting that it was "not an employment service," the EC would not distribute the names of refugee scholars seeking positions for universities to consider until 1940 (38).

Leff might have noted that the EC dissociated itself from political protests against Nazism, refusing, for example, the American Jewish Congress's invitation to become a sponsoring organization for the mass anti-Nazi rally at New York's Madison Square Garden in March 1934. In addition, the EC's secretary, Stephen Duggan, as a leading advocate for, and sponsor of, university student exchanges between the United States and Nazi Germany through the 1930s, helped to legitimize the Third Reich.

The book gives serious attention to the New School for Social Research's University in Exile, which lacked the resources to place as many refugees as the EC. Still, not having to rely on university departmental and administration hiring procedures, it could make appointments much more quickly. This was important because the State Department deliberately dragged out the visa process, consigning many applicants to arrest and death in Europe.

Leff provides gripping accounts of the many unsuccessful efforts of refugee scholars to gain even a temporary haven in American academia. In a period when American universities severely restricted Jewish student admissions, most departments adhered to a "one-Jew" rule (at best) regarding faculty appointments. Moreover, they showed no interest in Jews who did not adhere to the Christian image of a "gentleman." Administrators were suspicious of ardent anti-Nazis and, after 1940, of opponents of the Vichy regime.

Among the biographical portraits that Leff limns of scholars ignored in the standard celebratory accounts of the American response to the refugee academics are those of Russian-Jewish literary scholar and linguist Michel Gorlin; Vienna physicist Marie Anna Schirmann; historian Hedwig Hintze, the first female faculty...


值得储蓄:美国大学对纳粹欧洲难民的生死决定(Laurel Leff)(评论)



  • 值得储蓄:美国大学对纳粹欧洲难民的生死决定,劳雷尔·莱夫(Laurel Leff)
  • 斯蒂芬·诺伍德(生物)
值得储蓄:美国大学对纳粹欧洲难民的生死决定。劳雷尔·莱夫(Laurel Leff)。纽黑文(New Haven):耶鲁大学出版社(Yale University Press),2019年。x+ 357页。

这项重要且经过深入研究的研究破坏了纳粹德国难民学者在美国学术界寻找避风港的长期胜利叙事。重点主要放在美国大学和大学对一些世界知名学者的怀抱中,例如爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)和理查德·库兰特(Richard Courant)。然而,此类案件仅占被迫在美国求职的德国大学的很小一部分。劳雷尔·莱夫(Laurel Leff)这本书的主要优点是,她认真地叙述了众多欧洲有才华的学者在美国寻求避难所所遭受的苦难。莱夫(Leff)对其中八名最被遗忘的学者进行了详尽的传记研究。她仔细分析了美国大学的障碍,美国国务院和罗斯福政府坚持认为,这不仅阻止了在美国获得学术职位的机会,也阻止了进入美国的机会。结果,大批难民学者在大屠杀期间被迫躲在德国占领的领土上,被迫饿死,或在an灭营或贫民窟中被谋杀。

莱夫还评估了为难民学者寻找学术工作所涉及的组织的贡献和局限性,其中最重要的是流离失所外国学者援助紧急委员会(EC)和流亡新社会研究大学的大学,两者均已成立1933年,以及洛克菲勒基金会。[End Page 643]与美国大学本身相比,这些组织在寻找希特勒上台后卸任的学者方面付出了更多的努力。


莱夫(Leff)可能已经注意到,欧共体放弃了对纳粹主义的政治抗议,例如拒绝了美国犹太人大会的邀请,成为1934年3月在纽约麦迪逊广场花园举行的反纳粹群众集会的赞助组织。此外, EC的秘书Stephen Duggan作为1930年代美国与纳粹德国之间的大学生交流的主要倡导者和赞助者,帮助使第三帝国合法化。



在美国对难民学者的回应的标准庆祝记录中,莱夫·林姆的学者们忽略了传记肖像,其中包括俄罗斯-犹太文学学者和语言学家米歇尔·戈林(Michel Gorlin)。维也纳物理学家玛丽·安娜·席尔曼(Marie Anna Schirmann);历史学家Hedwig Hintze,第一位女教师...
