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Between Ottomans and Gujaratis: D. Diogo de Noronha, the Repositioning of Diu in the Indian Ocean, and the Creation of the Northern Province (1548–1560)
Asian Review of World Histories Pub Date : 2020-07-14 , DOI: 10.1163/22879811-12340076
Nuno Vila-Santa 1

This article analyzes the role of Diu in the reconfiguration of the Northern Province during the 1550s by focusing on the career of D. Diogo de Noronha, whose role in the consolidation of the Portuguese presence in Diu has received little attention. After defeating the Abyssinian forces of the lord of Diu and seizing over half of the custom house revenue of the city from the Gujarati sultan, Noronha ensured a safer position for Diu and also contributed to the creation of the Northern Province in the late 1550s. What was the true role played by Diu after the difficult sieges of 1538 and 1546, when the Ottoman naval defeat of 1554 renewed the project of expansion to the North? What was the importance of Noronha in that project and how did he influence the spheres of decision in both Asia and Portugal? How did he leverage the struggles within the Gujarati court to achieve his goals? What were the main consequences of his actions for the later development of Diu in the second half of the sixteenth century? These are some of the questions we attempt to answer in this article.


在奥斯曼帝国和古吉拉特人之间:D. Diogo de Noronha,Diu在印度洋的重新定位以及北部省份的建立(1548年至1560年)

本文着重于D. Diogo de Noronha的职业生涯,分析了Diu在1550年代北部省的重新构造中的作用,他在巩固Diu的葡萄牙存在中所扮演的角色很少受到关注。在击败Diu领主的阿比西尼亚军队并从古吉拉特邦苏丹手中夺取了该市一半的海关收入之后,Noronha确保了Diu的安全地位,并在1550年代后期为北部省的建立做出了贡献。在1538年和1546年的艰难围困之后,Diu扮演的真正角色是什么,1554年奥斯曼帝国海战失败时,重新开始了向北方扩张的计划?Noronha在该项目中的重要性是什么?他如何影响亚洲和葡萄牙的决策领域?他如何利用古吉拉特邦法院的斗争来实现自己的目标?他的行为对Diu在16世纪下半叶的后来发展有什么主要影响?这些是我们在本文中试图回答的一些问题。
