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Peer review and compliance with international anti-corruption norms: Insights from the OECD Working Group on Bribery
Review of International Studies ( IF 2.906 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1017/s0260210521000097
Hortense Jongen

How can we make sure that states do not only sign international anti-corruption conventions, but also comply with them once the ink has dried? Peer review among states offers one answer to this question. This article develops a theoretical framework to study the different processes and mechanisms through which peer reviews can contribute to state compliance. It focuses on three processes: transparency, pressure, and learning. The article subsequently applies this framework to the OECD Working Group on Bribery (WGB) in order to identify how far participants in this peer review perceive the WGB as capable of organising these processes, and to what extent they consider these processes relevant for promoting state compliance. Data come from an online survey (74 observations) and 17 in-depth interviews. The findings reveal that this peer review exercise is perceived as effective in creating transparency about state behaviour, mobilising pressure, and stimulating learning. However, the extent to which these processes can promote compliance is more limited. For these processes to work, political will is crucial.



我们如何才能确保各国不仅签署国际反腐败公约,而且一旦墨迹干了就遵守这些公约?各州之间的同行评审为这个问题提供了一个答案。本文开发了一个理论框架来研究同行评审有助于国家合规的不同过程和机制。它侧重于三个过程:透明度、压力和学习。本文随后将该框架应用于经合组织贿赂问题工作组 (WGB),以确定该同行评审的参与者在多大程度上认为 WGB 有能力组织这些流程,以及他们认为这些流程与促进国家合规性相关的程度. 数据来自在线调查(74 次观察)和 17 次深度访谈。调查结果表明,这种同行评审活动被认为在创造国家行为的透明度、调动压力和刺激学习方面是有效的。然而,这些流程促进合规的程度更为有限。要使这些进程发挥作用,政治意愿至关重要。