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A GPS-enabled portable air pollution sensor and web-mapping technologies for field-based learning in health geography
Journal of Geography in Higher Education ( IF 1.727 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2021.1900083
Yoo Min Park 1


Geographic technologies and perspectives are important for understanding health issues because places and locations influence human health and diseases. Despite the increasing use of a geographic information system (GIS) in health research, and the explosion of new and emerging technologies, little is known about their potential as educational tools for health geography and the effectiveness for student learning. Focusing on air-sensing and web GIS technologies, this article presents an innovative pedagogical strategy to integrate these technologies as tools for field-based learning in health geography and discusses the effectiveness and challenges of this teaching method. A class project, undertaken in a university health geography course, was developed to offer students hands-on training and real-world experience with state-of-the-art technologies. It consisted of (1) a lecture and pre-fieldwork training; (2) field data collection using a low-cost, GPS-enabled portable air-pollution sensor; (3) data visualization using web GIS; and (4) sharing the findings through a web-based story map application. The successful implementation of the teaching method, as indicated by students’ positive comments, demonstrated that such class projects can reinforce students’ knowledge of air pollution and health risks; improve their technical, critical thinking, and research skills; and prepare students for entering a technology-driven society.


支持 GPS 的便携式空气污染传感器和网络制图技术,用于健康地理学的实地学习


地理技术和观点对于理解健康问题很重要,因为地点和地点会影响人类健康和疾病。尽管地理信息系统 (GIS) 在健康研究中的使用越来越多,以及新兴技术的爆炸式增长,但人们对其作为健康地理学教育工具的潜力和学生学习的有效性知之甚少。本文以航空传感和网络 GIS 技术为重点,提出了一种创新的教学策略,将这些技术整合为健康地理学实地学习的工具,并讨论了这种教学方法的有效性和挑战。一个班级项目,在大学健康地理学课程中进行,旨在为学生提供最先进技术的实践培训和实际体验。它包括 (1) 讲座和实地考察前培训;(2) 使用低成本、支持 GPS 的便携式空气污染传感器收集现场数据;(3) 使用Web GIS的数据可视化;(4) 通过基于网络的故事地图应用程序分享调查结果。学生积极评价该教学方法的成功实施表明,此类课堂项目可以加强学生对空气污染和健康风险的认识;提高他们的技术、批判性思维和研究技能;并为学生进入技术驱动的社会做好准备。(3) 使用Web GIS的数据可视化;(4) 通过基于网络的故事地图应用程序分享调查结果。学生积极评价该教学方法的成功实施表明,此类课堂项目可以加强学生对空气污染和健康风险的认识;提高他们的技术、批判性思维和研究技能;并为学生进入技术驱动的社会做好准备。(3) 使用Web GIS的数据可视化;(4) 通过基于网络的故事地图应用程序分享调查结果。学生积极评价该教学方法的成功实施表明,此类课堂项目可以加强学生对空气污染和健康风险的认识;提高他们的技术、批判性思维和研究技能;并为学生进入技术驱动的社会做好准备。
