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Encountering the Other: Postmodern and Barthian Pastoral Theologies in Dialogue
International Journal of Practical Theology Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1515/ijpt-2020-0055
Bonnie Elizabeth Lin 1

Abstract The proliferation of contextual theologies points to the perspectival character of all theological systems, underscoring the need for epistemic humility, self-reflexivity, and openness to alterity. Yet, constructive dialogue often proves difficult due to divergent sources of authority and conflicting normative values. I consider proposals by Elaine Graham and Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger, pointing out not only how their postmodern and Barthian pastoral theological models differ, but also where they may be congruent and mutually edifying. Karl Barth attracts skepticism from both “conservatives” and “liberals,” yet each may find in him an ally, resource, and bridge for engaging the other.



摘要 情境神学的激增表明了所有神学系统的视角特征,强调了认识谦逊、自我反思和对他异性开放的必要性。然而,由于权威的不同来源和相互冲突的规范价值观,建设性对话往往被证明是困难的。我考虑了伊莱恩·格雷厄姆 (Elaine Graham) 和黛博拉·范德森·亨辛格 (Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger) 的建议,不仅指出了他们的后现代和巴提亚教牧神学模型有何不同,而且还指出了它们在哪些方面可能一致和相互启发。卡尔·巴特引起了“保守派”和“自由派”的怀疑,但每个人都可能在他身上找到盟友、资源和沟通的桥梁。