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Amor & Psyche
Wallace Stevens Journal Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1353/wsj.2021.0012
Karen Petersen

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Amor & Psyche
  • Karen Petersen

That day with you at the housewas like being in an ocean,becalmed and still, without sound,except for the passing of thosegreat dark creatures below, gently twistingas they slowly surveyed their dominion.

You were not a lover that summer mornbut as a lover might be, near the joyful end,finally released, naked and singing,making the bright flowers shiver in the sun.But there was no comfort in that brightness,nor in dreams or even in the edge of a shadow.

What was there to be cherished?Complacencies of the boudoiroverrode past afternoons of lusty passion,sunlight on tanned skin and too much wine,with a ripening sweetness that burstinto old dependencies, inescapable,that left us both gasping for solitude.

By evening's silhouette, againstthe isolation of the florid skystands our empty house, as the hiddencreatures of the night creep forward,disregarded, perishable, and free,filling the landscape with their lonely hunger. [End Page 117]

Karen Petersen Santa Fe, New Mexico Copyright © 2021 Johns Hopkins University Press ...




  • 爱慕与灵魂
  • 卡伦·彼得森





凯伦·彼得森(Karen Petersen),新墨西哥州圣达菲版权所有©2021约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社...
