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Latinos & Latinas in American Sport: Stories Beyond Peloteros ed. by Jorge Iber (review)
Southwestern Historical Quarterly Pub Date : 2021-01-09 , DOI: 10.1353/swh.2021.0018
Samuel O. Regalado

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Latinos & Latinas in American Sport: Stories Beyond Peloteros ed. by Jorge Iber
  • Samuel O. Regalado
Latinos & Latinas in American Sport: Stories Beyond Peloteros. Edited by Jorge Iber. (Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2019. Pp. 272. Notes, index.)

It is with great satisfaction that I have witnessed Latinos and Latinas gain vital ground in United States sports history. Since the late 1980s, academic publishers, with a keen sense of their business and of changing demographics in academia, have tapped into this new scholarly vein and recruited young Latinx researchers, many still in doctoral programs, to become authors. This new generation bore fruit in the form of monographs, journal articles, and anthologies. After 2000, historian Jorge Iber, through his early work on Mexican American sport, emerged in the top tier of scholars who have taken Latinx sports history to a new level.

Iber was well positioned to pull together a team of scholars for his latest contribution, the aptly named anthology, Latinos & Latinas in American Sport: Stories Beyond Peloteros. Their expertise and contributions are vast, pinpointing Latinx sporting experience within the context of family, community, nationalism, diplomacy, gender, and race. Furthermore, alongside the familiar sports of baseball and football, readers will find competitions like drag racing as historical conduits for Latinx opportunity and also observe the impact of sport on the lives and communities of individuals like "Nemo" Herrera and Wally Rodríguez.

The book features thirteen essays packed nicely into 259 pages of text and endnotes presented in a remarkably consistent format, given the diverse disciplines of its contributors. Of the thirteen essays, six are from history, two are from English, and one each are from American studies, journalism, and political science, and investigative reporting. The thirteenth is Iber's conclusion. Such consistency results in a reading experience that is clear and manageable. And on this count, Iber's experience with anthologies is strongly demonstrated.

For all of the book's merit, the absence of a Latina contributor is not unnoticed. And this is not for lack of subject matter, as there is ample material from which an ambitious researcher might draw. Thankfully, Ben Chappell's work on Latinas and softball tournaments, Gary Selber's look at high school girls in basketball, and the essay by Paul Cuadaros, who observed the advancement of Latina integration through soccer, all satisfy that vacuum. This, however, was not an oversight on Iber's part. Latina writers of sport history, if any, are few and far between. Indeed, if there is a [End Page 363] drawback in this research area, this would be it. In short, a Latina perspective is sorely in need.

Nonetheless, this anthology is a real gem, especially for those wishing to get into the weeds to uncover the dynamics and evolution of U.S. ethnic communities and to explore the impact Latinx sports figures made on a larger scale. Along with historians, students in ethnic studies, American studies, and political science will benefit from this collection. Indeed, these essays describe a distinctive part of the overall story of the United States and its people. And it is to Jorge Iber's credit and astuteness that he recognized it.

Samuel O. Regalado California State University, Stanislaus Copyright © 2021 The Texas State Historical Association ...


《美国体育中的拉丁裔和拉丁裔:超越佩洛特罗斯的故事》 ed。由Jorge Iber(评论)



  • 《美国体育中的拉丁裔和拉丁裔:超越佩洛特罗斯的故事》 ed。豪尔赫·伊伯(Jorge Iber)
  • 塞缪尔·雷加拉多(Samuel O. Regalado)
美国体育中的拉丁裔和拉丁裔:Peloteros以外的故事。由豪尔赫·伊伯(Jorge Iber)编辑。(拉伯克:德州理工大学出版社,2019年。第272页。注释,索引。)

我非常满意地目睹了拉丁美洲人和拉丁美洲人在美国体育史上的重要地位。自1980年代后期以来,学术出版商对他们的业务和学术界的人口变化有着敏锐的洞察力,他们开始涉足这一新的学术领域,并招募了许多仍处于博士阶段的年轻拉丁裔研究人员作为作者。新一代以专着,期刊文章和选集的形式硕果累累。2000年之后,历史学家豪尔赫·伊伯(Jorge Iber)通过他在墨西哥裔美国人体育方面的早期工作,出现在将拉丁裔体育史提升到新水平的顶级学者中。



就本书的所有优点而言,并非没有拉丁裔贡献者。这并不是因为缺乏主题,因为雄心勃勃的研究人员可能会从中汲取足够的材料。值得庆幸的是,本·查佩尔(Ben Chappell)在拉美裔和垒球比赛上的工作,加里·塞尔伯(Gary Selber)对篮球中的高中女生的观察以及保罗·卡达罗斯(Paul Cuadaros)的论文(观察了拉丁裔通过足球的进步)都满足了这一真空。但是,这并不是Iber的疏忽。体育史的拉丁裔作家(如果有的话)很少。确实,如果在此研究领域中存在[End Page 363]缺陷,那就是它。简而言之,迫切需要拉丁视角。

但是,这本选集是真正的瑰宝,特别是对于那些希望进入野草以发现美国种族社区的动态和演变并探索大规模拉丁裔体育人物的影响的人而言。与历史学家一起,族裔研究,美国研究和政治学专业的学生将从中受益。的确,这些文章描述了美国及其人民整体故事中的一个独特部分。正是由于乔治·伊伯(Jorge Iber)的信誉和机敏,他才意识到这一点。

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