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Southern Cultures Pub Date : 2021-01-08 , DOI: 10.1353/scu.2020.0062

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  • Contributors

Memphis-based photographer houston cofield earned his MFA in photography from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has contributed to the New York Times, VICE, Wall Street Journal, and Zeit Magazin, among other publications. He is a fourth generation photographer of the American South.

patricia crosby is a photographer and founder of Mississippi Cultural Crossroads in Port Gibson, serving thirty years as its executive director. Raised in Milford, Ohio, she attended Catholic schools and graduated from Marquette University. She studied photography with Barbara Van Cleve at Mundelein College Chicago, folklore at the Smithsonian, and ethnic heritage at Alcorn State University. She served as a presenter at the Festival of American Folklife (1996).

maya doig-acuña is a Brooklyn-born-and-raised writer, scholar, and doula-in-training. She has been published in Remezcla, Latino Rebels, Guernica, and elsewhere. She is currently a doctoral student at Harvard University, researching and writing about Afro-Panamanian migration, community, and memory within a context of Black diaspora.

alexis pauline gumbs is author of the forthcoming The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde: Biography as Ceremony. She lives and loves in Durham, North Carolina, and is the cofounder of the Mobile Homecoming Trust.

cassandra klos (b. 1991) is a fine art photographer currently living between Durham, North Carolina, and Boston, Massachusetts. She is a 2020 graduate of Duke University's Experimental and Documentary Arts MFA program. Her work has been exhibited across the United States, and has been published in TIME, National Geographic, Wired, and Bloomberg Businessweek, among other publications.

tiana nobile is a Korean American adoptee, Kundiman fellow, and recipient of a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers' Award. A finalist for the National Poetry Series and Kundiman Poetry Prize, her writing has appeared in Poetry Northwest, the New Republic, Guernica, and the Texas Review, among others. Her full-length poetry debut, Cleave, is forthcoming in spring 2021 from Hub City Press. She lives in New Orleans, Louisiana. For more, visit www.tiananobile.com.

danielle m. purifoy is a writer, lawyer, and assistant professor of geography at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She serves as board chair of the North Carolina Environmental Justice Network and as the Race and Place editor for Scalawag, a media organization devoted to storytelling and journalism in the South.

justin randolph is assistant professor of history at Texas State University, where he teaches US, southern, and oral history. He's currently writing a book on Black freedom movements and the police in rural Mississippi from Jim Crow to mass incarceration.

zandria f. robinson is author of This Ain't Chicago: Race, Class, and Regional Identity in the Post-Soul South and Chocolate Cities: The Black Map of American Life, written with longtime collaborator Marcus Anthony Hunter. Her writing has appeared in Rolling Stone, Scalawag, the Believer, and the New York Times. In 2017, she was a finalist for a National Magazine Award for an essay she wrote for the Oxford American.

barbara sostaita is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Focusing on the Sonora-Arizona borderlands, her dissertation is an (auto)ethnographic experiment in practicing sanctuary everywhere. Her writing has been featured in publications such as Bitch, Teen Vogue, and Remezcla.

joseph m. thompson is an assistant professor of history at Mississippi State University. His first book project, Cold War Country: Music Row, the Pentagon, and the Sound of American Patriotism (forthcoming, University of North Carolina Press), examines the economic and symbolic connections between the country music industry and the US Defense Department since World War II.

Copyright © 2020 Center for the Study of the American South ...




  • 贡献者

孟菲斯的摄影师houston cofield在芝加哥的伊利诺伊大学获得了摄影硕士学位。他曾为《纽约时报》,《 VICE》,《华尔街日报》和《时代周刊》杂志等做出过贡献。他是美国南方的第四代摄影师。

帕特里夏·克罗斯比 patricia crosby)是吉卜森港(Port Gibson)的密西西比文化十字路口的摄影师和创始人,担任执行董事已有30年。她在俄亥俄州米尔福德长大,就读天主教学校,毕业于马奎特大学。她曾在芝加哥曼德琳学院(Mundelein College)的Barbara Van Cleve,摄影史密森学会(Smithsonian)的民俗学和阿尔康州立大学(Alcorn State University)的民族遗产专业学习摄影。她曾担任美国民俗艺术节(1996)的主持人。

mayadoig-acuña是布鲁克林出生和长大的作家,学者和培训导师。她已在Remezcla,Latino Rebels,Guernica和其他地方出版。她目前是哈佛大学的博士研究生,研究和撰写有关黑人侨民背景下的非洲-巴拿马移民,社区和记忆的文章。

亚历克西斯·鲍琳·古布斯是即将出版的奥德洛·洛尔德的永生:传记作为典礼》的作者。她在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆(Durham)居住和热爱,并且是Mobile Homecoming Trust的共同创始人。

cassandra klos生于1991年)是一位美术摄影师,目前居住在北卡罗来纳州达勒姆市和马萨诸塞州波士顿之间。她是杜克大学实验与文献艺术MFA计划的2020年毕业生。她的作品已在美国各地展出,并发表在《时代》,《国家地理》,《连线》和《彭博商业周刊》等出版物中。

蒂安娜·诺比勒(tiana nobile)是一名韩裔美国收养人,昆地曼人,并获得了罗纳·贾菲基金会作家奖。她的作品入围《国家诗歌丛书》和“昆迪曼诗​​歌奖”,并发表在《西北诗歌》,《新共和国》,《格尔尼卡》和《德州评论》等杂志中。她的全长诗歌首演Cleave将于2021年春季从Hub City Press发行。她住在路易斯安那州新奥尔良。有关更多信息,请访问www.tiananobile.com。

丹尼尔山 purifoy是北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的地理学家,作家兼助理教授。她是北卡罗莱纳州环境正义网络的董事会主席,也是Scalawag的种族和地方编辑, Scalawag是致力于南方的叙事和新闻业的媒体组织。

贾斯汀·兰道夫 Justin randolph)是德克萨斯州立大学的历史学助理教授,他在那里教授美国,南方和口述历史。他目前正在写一本关于黑人自由运动和密西西比州乡村警察的书,从吉姆·克罗(Jim Crow)到大规模监禁。

赞德里亚河 robinson是长期合作者Marcus Anthony Hunter撰写的《这不是芝加哥:后灵魂南部的种族,阶级和地区认同和巧克力城市:美国生活的黑色地图》的作者。她的著作发表在《滚石》,《斯卡拉瓦格》,《信徒》和《纽约时报》上。2017年,她为《牛津美国人》撰写的论文入围了《国家杂志》奖的决赛。

芭芭拉·索斯塔塔 barbara sostaita)是北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校宗教研究系的博士研究生。她的论文重点研究索诺拉(Sonora)至亚利桑那州(Arizona)的边境地区,是一项在各个地方实践圣所的(自动)人种学实验。她的作品曾在Bitch,Teen VogueRemezcla等出版物中发表

约瑟夫山 汤普森是密西西比州立大学的历史学助理教授。他的第一本书计划是《冷战国家:音乐行,五角大楼和美国爱国主义之声》(即将出版,北卡罗来纳大学出版社),研究了自第二次世界大战以来乡村音乐产业与美国国防部之间的经济和象征联系。二。

