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New Literary History Pub Date : 2021-02-11 , DOI: 10.1353/nlh.2020.0055

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  • Contributors

Rachel Adams is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. Her most recent books are Raising Henry: A Memoir of Motherhood, Disability, and Discovery (2014) and the coedited Keywords for Disability Studies (2015). This essay is based on material in her forthcoming book, Critical: Care, Narrative, and the Art of Interdependency.

Neel Ahuja is Associate Professor in the Feminist Studies Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, where he is a core faculty member of the Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Program. He is the author of Bioinsecurities: Disease Interventions, Empire, and the Government of Species (2016).

Judith Butler teaches at the University of California, Berkeley, and is the author of several books, including The Force of Nonviolence (2020).

Matthew Chrulew is a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Media, Creative Arts, and Social Inquiry at Curtin University. His essays have appeared in Angelaki, SubStance, Parallax, and Biosemiotics, and his short stories in Cosmos and Westerly. He was founding Associate Editor of the journal Environmental Humanities and is Series Editor of the new Edinburgh University Press book series, Animalities.

Nirmala Erevelles is Professor of Social and Cultural Studies in Education at the University of Alabama. Her research interests are in the areas of disability studies, sociology of education, critical race theory, multicultural education, and transnational feminist theory. She is the author of Disability and Difference in Global Context: Enabling a Transformative Body Politic (2011). She is currently working on a manuscript discussing disability within the context of empire.

Jan Grue is Professor of Qualitative Methods at the University of Oslo, working primarily in discourse analysis, rhetoric, disability studies, and the study of embodiment and normality. He is the author of several literary works. His autotheoretical memoir, I Live a Life Like Yours, will be published in 2021.

Jack Halberstam is Professor of Gender Studies and English at Columbia University. He is the author of Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters (1995), Female Masculinity (1998), In A Queer Time and Place (2005), The Queer Art of Failure (2011), Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender, and the End of Normal (2012), Trans: A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variance (2017), and Wild Things: The Disorder of Desire (2020). He was awarded the Arcus/Places Prize by Places Journal in 2018 for innovative public scholarship on the relationship between gender, sexuality, and the built environment. He is finishing a second volume on wildness titled The Wild Beyond: Music, Architecture and Anarchy.

Michael Lundblad is Professor of English-Language Literature at the University of Oslo. He is the author of The Birth of a Jungle: Animality in Progressive-Era U.S. Literature and Culture (2013), coeditor, with Marianne DeKoven, of Species Matters: Humane Advocacy and Cultural Theory (2012), and the editor of Animalities: Literary and Cultural Studies Beyond the Human (2017). He is also the primary investigator of a research project funded by The Research Council of Norway (2017–2021), “BIODIAL: The Biopolitics of Disability, Illness, and Animality.”

David T. Mitchell is Professor of English and Cultural Studies at George Washington University. He has published six scholarly books in disability studies. His coedited collection with Sharon Snyder, The Body and Physical Difference: Discourses of Disability (1997), was the first humanities-based collection of academic essays in the field. The influence of that collection led to his appointment as a series coeditor of Corporealities: Discourses of Disability at the University of Michigan Press. In 2001, he coauthored Narrative Prosthesis: Disability and the Dependencies of Discourse, which forwarded a field-defining theory of disability representation. His most recent publications include Cultural Locations of Disability (2006), The Biopolitics of Disability (2015), and The Matter of Disability (2019). He is currently completing a new feature-length film on Nazi mass murders in psychiatric institutions titled Disposable Humanity.

Sara E. S. Orning is a Postdoctoral Fellow on the project “BIODIAL: The Bio-politics of Disability, Illness, and Animality” and a Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies at the University of Oslo. She works on how monstrosity and humanness emerge and are produced with...




  • 贡献者

拉切尔·达姆斯( R achel A dams)是哥伦比亚大学英语与比较文学教授。她最近的著作是《养育亨利:母亲,残障和探索回忆录》(2014年)和共同编辑的《残障研究关键词》(2015年)。本文基于她即将出版的书《批评:关怀,叙事和相互依存的艺术》中的材料


Ĵ udithutler任教于加州大学伯克利分校,并且是几本书,包括笔者非暴力的力量(2020年)。

M atthew C hrulew是科廷大学媒体,创意艺术和社会研究学院的高级研究员。他的论文发表在AngelakiSubStance视差Biosemiotics中,而他的短篇小说则出现在CosmosWesterly中。他是《环境人文》杂志的创始副主编,也是爱丁堡大学出版社新出版的《动物学》系列丛书的编辑

ñ irmala ê revelles是教育社会与文化研究的教授在阿拉巴马大学。她的研究兴趣领域包括残疾研究,教育社会学,批判种族理论,多元文化教育和跨国女性主义理论。她是《全球背景下残疾与差异:实现变革性的身体政治》(2011年)的作者。她目前正在撰写手稿,讨论帝国背景下的残疾。


Ĵ ACK ^ h alberstam是哥伦比亚大学的性别研究和英语教授。他是《皮肤表演:哥特式恐怖与怪兽技术》(1995),《女性阳刚》(1998),《在酷儿的时间和地点》(2005),《酷儿的失败艺术》(2011),《加加女权主义:性别,性别》一书的作者。 ,《正常结束》(2012年),《跨性别者:性别差异快速而古怪的叙述》(2017年)和《野生物:欲望的混乱》(2020年)。他被《地方杂志》授予Arcus /地方奖于2018年获得有关性别,性与建筑环境之间关系的创新公共奖学金。他正在完成第二本关于荒野的书,名为《超越野外:音乐,建筑与无政府状态》

M ichael L undblad是奥斯陆大学英语文学教授。他是《丛林的诞生:进步时代的美国文学和文化中的动物性》(2013年)的作者,与《物种问题:人道倡导和文化理论》的玛丽安·德科芬(Marianne DeKoven)合着(2012年),并着有《动物学:文学》一书的作者。和超越人类的文化研究(2017)。他还是挪威研究委员会(2017-2021)资助的一项研究项目的主要研究者,“生物:残疾,疾病和动物的生物政治”。

d废寝忘食牛逼中号itchell是在乔治·华盛顿大学的英语和文化研究的教授。他出版了六本有关残疾研究的学术著作。他与沙龙·斯奈德(Sharon Snyder)共同编辑的《身体与身体的差异:残疾的话语》(1997)是该领域第一本基于人文学科的学术论文集。该收藏的影响力使他被任命为密歇根大学出版社的《尸体:残疾话语》系列联合编辑。在2001年,他与人合着了《叙事假肢:残疾与话语的依存关系》。,它提出了一种残疾定义的领域定义理论。他最近的出版物包括《残疾人文化场所》(2006年),《残疾人生物政治学》(2015年)和《残疾人事务》(2019年)。目前,他正在制作一部关于纳粹在精神病院发生的大规模谋杀案的长篇电影,名为“一次性人类”

小号ARA ESØ rning是博士后的项目“BIODIAL:残疾,疾病和动物性的生物政治”和高级讲师性别研究在奥斯陆大学。她致力于研究怪兽和人类如何产生并产生于...
