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Música y performance como estrategias de conversión en el Virreinato del Perú
Latin American Theatre Review Pub Date : 2020-12-24 , DOI: 10.1353/ltr.2020.0021
Catalina Andrango-Walker


Lettered men, who arrived to the Andean region as missionaries, soldiers, and historians, wrote abundantly about the natives' ceremonies and their remarkable ability to sing and to play musical instruments. Music and performance soon became a standard part of religious conversion as well as a means of reaffirming Spanish power at public events such as the arrival of new officials, the births and deaths of members of the royal family, and the canonization of Catholic saints. This article focuses on the use of such strategies to promote Christianity in two works. The first is the evangelization manual Symbolo Catholico Indiano (Lima 1598) written by Franciscan friar Luis Jéronimo de Oré. The canticles in particular were represented with European liturgical music and lyrics in Quechua and used as a pedagogical tool to replace the violent methods by which the Spaniards had tried to impose their Catholic faith on the natives. This mix of Andean and European elements is also a common denominator in the missional opera, San Ignacio de Loyola, composed in the 18th century in the Jesuit missions of Paraguay and taken later to the Chiquitos region of present-day Bolivia. San Ignacio narrates the exemplary lives of the founding fathers of the order, Saint Ignatius of Loyola and Saint Francis Xavier, centering on the protagonists' love of God, their fight against evil, and their mission to spread throughout the world the word of God. Although Symbolo and San Ignacio belong to different genres and were produced more than a century apart, both works show the effective use of performance and music in Catholic conversion to teach and delight at the same time. They also demonstrate how Franciscans and Jesuits promoted their religious orders within the colonial system, while at the same time showcasing the talents of the native inhabitants.




信使的人们以传教士,士兵和历史学家的身份到达安第斯地区,并写了很多关于当地人的仪式以及他们杰出的唱歌和弹奏乐器能力的文章。音乐和表演很快成为宗教信仰转变的标准组成部分,并成为重申西班牙在公共活动中的权力的手段,例如新官员的到来,王室成员的生死,天主教圣徒的成圣。本文着重于在两部著作中运用这种策略来促进基督教。首先是传福音手册Symbolo Catholico Indiano(Lima 1598)由方济会修道士路易斯·杰罗尼莫·德·奥雷(LuisJéronimodeOré)撰写。尤其是在盖丘亚语中,用欧洲礼仪音乐和歌词来代表尖顶,并用作教学工具,以取代西班牙人试图将天主教信仰强加给当地人的暴力方式。安第斯和欧洲元素的混合也是传教歌剧圣伊格纳西奥·德·洛约拉的共同点,圣伊格纳西奥·德·洛约拉于18世纪在巴拉圭的耶稣会传教团中创作,后来被带到当今的玻利维亚奇基托斯地区。圣伊格纳西奥以主角们对上帝的爱,他们与邪恶的斗争以及在世界范围内传播上帝圣言的使命为中心,叙述了该勋章的开国元勋圣路易斯的圣伊格内修斯和圣弗朗西斯·泽维尔的榜样生活。尽管SymboloSan Ignacio属于不同的流派,并且相距一个世纪以上,但它们的作品都表明在天主教转换中有效地利用表演和音乐来同时教书和取乐。他们还展示了方济各会和耶稣会士如何在殖民体系内促进其宗教秩序,同时展示了当地居民的才华。
